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Master In Entrepreneurship

Offered By: HELP University

Introduction To The Course
The Master in Entrepreneurship course is a 12 unit postgraduate programme offered by the HELP Graduate School of HELP University College (HELP).

The Master of Entrepreneurship course comprises subjects carefully chosen from a combination of management disciplines with options for emphasis in finance and marketing subjects. To graduate, students enrolled are required to satisfactorily complete 12 compulsory study units in entrepreneurial issues.

The course is designed to meet the needs of part-time students through weekend seminar delivery session and weekday evening tutorial sessions.

Aims Of The Course
The Master of Entrepreneurship course is aimed at providing emerging entrepreneurs and corporate intrapreneurs with the necessary knowledge coupled with management and technical skills to successfully initiate and commercialize new business ventures or to pursue a successful career as a manager within the private and/or public sectors, both locally and internationally.

More specifically, the objectives of the Master of Entrepreneurship course are designed to:

  • Allow students to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to critically assess and implement new ventures and new business ideas
  • Generate awareness of the process of identifying, creating and managing a successful new business venture with a strong growth potential
  • Assist students to develop a personal roadmap to learn about and to successfully apply entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial management skills
  • Develop an agility to take advantage of the numerous new business opportunities offered by new technology developments, the growing services industries and small information-based enterprises
  • Encourage joint research possibilities with the business sector in the entrepreneurial process
  • Identify and promote the leadership and management skills necessary to develop and enhance global business leaders who create value with new setups
  • Provide practical entrepreneurial applications for students by inviting and engaging successful entrepreneurs to discuss their experiences and by sending students into the business community as apprentices

Graduates from the Master of Entrepreneurship course should be able to:

  • Understand the scope and processes involved in entrepreneurial, corporate innovation and new venture management activities
  • Take advantage of opportunities to become more enterprising and more entrepreneurial in attitudes, skills and behaviours
  • Critically assess their own skills, abilities and aptitude for selfemployment as entrepreneurs or as intrapreneurs in new venture management
  • Apply the knowledge and skills needed to strategically establish themselves to manage and work within innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises

Admission Regulations
Intake Periods

  • Intake commences in March, July and November. Application for Admission
  • Applications for admission must be made on the HGS admission application form. Applicants are required to sign the declaration on the application form certifying that the information provided on the form or attached to the form or subsequently provided in support of their application, is deemed to be true and correct.

Admission Requirements

  • An approved degree or an equivalent professional qualification with minimum 3 years work or relevant entrepreneurial experience
  • An English proficiency level considered sufficient to satisfactorily complete the course

Course Assessment
Each subject will have a minimum of three assessment items:

  • A 2-hour written examination
  • Submission of 2 assignments on topics relevant to the subject Other assessment items may be used at the discretion of the subject facilitators. These may include individual or group assignments, project writing, tests, class discussion and class participation.

The weightage of each assessment item is based on the following percentage:

Examination 20%
Assignment 1 30%
Assignment 2 50%
Total 100%

Grading scale:

High Distinction (HD) 85 - 100 marks
Distinction (DI) 75 - 84 marks
Credit (CR) 65 - 74 marks
Pass (PS) 50 - 64 marks
Fail (FL) 0 - 49 marks

Course Duration
Normally 18 months on a modular basis.

Each subject will have a minimum of 42 contact hours comprising:

  • 16-hour weekend seminar session
  • 26-hour weekday seminar sessions

Subjects Offered In The Help Master In Entrepreneurship Course
The subjects offered in the Master of Entrepreneurship are listed below. Students are required to enroll for 12 compulsory units comprising:

Compulsory units:

Entrepreneurship Management
Psychology of the Entrepreneurship
New Venture Project Evaluation & Management
Financial Planning for Entrepreneurs
New Venture Strategic Marketing
New Venture Growth Management
Corporate Leadership & Governance
Advanced Seminars in Creativity & Innovation
Strategic Alliances & Venture Negotiations
Global Ventures for Entrepreneurs
Strategy Management for Entrepreneurs
Business Plan for New Ventures (Project Paper)