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Guidebook on local studies a must for students
The Star, 22 December 2002
Guidebook on local studies a must for students
Source: The Star (22 December, 2002)
(Third International
Publisher: Challenger Concept
THREE years on, Study in Malaysia
Handbook is still a bible for many school-leavers. With
its third edition hitting bookshelves recently, the guide reaffirms its status as the seminal reference text on
Malaysian higher education.
A guidebook is a guidebook is a guidebook, right?
Wrong – as
any undergraduate will willingly tell you, the right handbook can save anxious prospective students from wasting
time, going on wild goose chases, and lots of heartache. Take phone numbers for example, what good is a handbook
if one still needs to call 103 (Telekom directory) for the updated numbers?
As for individual
prospectuses and websites, they are good in the later stage of the planning, once potential destinations and
programmes have been shortlisted. But in the preliminary search, when one is still looking at all possible
options, a comprehensive one-stop guide like Study in Malaysia is exactly what the doctor prescribed. Plus, the
handbook gives well-researched information, so students can be assured of its reliability.
The latest
edition is bigger and more comprehensive with new sections and revised information. And with Malaysia
establishing itself as a regional centre of education, the handbook has taken a more international approach – it
now comes with a summary of the Malaysian profile and education system in four different languages: Arabic,
Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia and Vietnamese.
The overview gives quick information that is
particularly useful to international students.
If you think the facts won’t be useful to Malaysians, test
yourself on how much you know about the local education system. As they say, you can never have too much
A new section, called Nation on the Move, for one, gives up-to-date information on
the economy and policies in addition to the usual data on the country’s geography and history. Similarly,
information on the National Accreditation Board and associations of educational institutions, although not
essential in one’s search and decision-making process, provides interesting and useful information on the
players in the local tertiary education system.
For those planning their university route, Study in
Malaysia offers a directory of courses available at the various types of institutions (private and public
institutions, branch campuses of foreign universities).
Complemented by a quick search index and
course index, users can browse through the list and get their information quickly.
Unlike many
directories, Study in Malaysia features courses run by both public and private higher educational institutions
under one search system, making it easy for the student.
For students’ assurance, there is also a list
of approved higher education institutions in Malaysia.
Once the institutions and programmes have been
short-listed, students have the address section to start the ball rolling. This section not only provides the
addresses of prospective institutions, but also the addresses of various education agencies, for further
assistance to the student.
International students, meanwhile, can tap into the list for useful numbers
and addresses of Matrade’s overseas trade commissions, the overseas missions of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Tourism Malaysia’s overseas offices.
Finally, this edition has
allocated a specific section to post graduate courses offered by the local varsities.
Still, the best
aspect of this guide has to be its complementary online version. Like the printed copy, the websites provide
valuable information on education institutions, their courses and facilities. As it is interactive, the websites
can connect students to the institutions and provide online counselling for those seeking advice on education.
New is the international network which provides the profile of Malaysia and its education system in four
foreign languages which can be accessed at these addresses:,, and
The postgraduate directory can be
accessed at, while other
sections of the directory can be obtained from the Study Malaysia portal at
The handbook is definitely a
must for school-leavers. It will also make a good Christmas or New Year present for family and