Messages of Support

Y.B. Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled bin Nordin

Minister of Higher Education Malaysia

The government is committed in developing Malaysia as a preferred destination for international students. Among the initiatives of the National Higher Education Action Plan is to have a student population reflecting the plural demographic profile of the country with international students making up 20% of our enrolment figures.

In line with this strategy, the Ministry has set a target to welcome 80,000 international students to Malaysian higher education institutions by the year 2010. This strategy is gaining momentum and I support every initiative which contributes towards this effort.

With that, I welcome the publications by Challenger Concept which complement the government's efforts in disseminating information on education opportunities in Malaysia.

Last but not least, I would like to congratulate the publisher on the release of the 7th edition of Study in Malaysia Handbook (International Edition) and its online version as well as the inaugural edition of Postgrad Malaysia Handbook.

Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled bin Nordin

Source: Study in Malaysia Handbook 7th Edition
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