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by on August 23, 2016 | Top Stories, Career Guide

Law is a popular choice of course for many students – but is a career in law for right you? A career in law can be extremely rewarding – it challenges the intellect, inspires ideas, and gives you a chance to really make a difference.

Would you like to represent clients in court or before government agencies? Are you prepared to spend long hours studying the constitution and statutes; and interpreting laws, rulings and regulations? Here are some really useful articles that can help you decide if a career in law is for you.

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Is a career in law right for you?

Is a career in law right for you?

Law is a popular choice of course for many students – but is a career in law for right you? A career in law can be extremely rewarding – it challenges the intellect, inspires ideas, and gives you a chance to really make a difference. But you do need to be prepared to work long hours in a very competitive and stressful environment. Are you good at analysing situations and problems? Do you have a thirst for knowledge? Are you passionate about continual learning? Are you good at dealing with people? Are you detail-oriented, patient, pragmatic and dispassionate? If this sounds just like you, then law could be a good career pathway for you.

Courses and Careers in Law

Courses and Careers in Law

So maybe you’re interested in a law degree but you’re not quite sure if being a lawyer is quite your thing. Should you go ahead and study law? Are there other career options you can consider? What can you do with a law degree that doesn’t include working in a law firm? And where can you enrol to study for a law degree?

So you wanna be a lawyer

So you wanna be a lawyer

Did you know that LLB is the Latin abbreviation for ‘Legum Baccalaureus’ (also known as the Bachelor of Laws)? Did you know that the earliest lawyers existed in the government of ancient Greece? And that 25 past presidents of the US were lawyers before they were sworn in? A lawyer is known by many names – advocate, barrister, attorney, counsel, counselor or solicitor – if you think you have what it takes to become one, read on to find out what you need to do.

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