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Careers in Allied Health Professions: All practices are regulated

by StudyMalaysia.com on August 9, 2024 | Top Stories, Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technology, Medicine and Healthcare, Occupational Health and Hygiene Services

Careers in Allied Health Professions: All practices are regulated - StudyMalaysia.com

Who are the Allied Health Professions?

Allied health professions are a diverse group of health care professions/clinicians who provide a range of diagnostic, technical, therapeutic, and support services in connection with health care, and which are distinct from the fields of dentistry, optometry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. These professionals deliver high-quality care to patients and clients across a wide range of care pathways and in a variety of different settings. This field focuses on diagnosing and preventing medical conditions. Professionals in this field are set to play an important role in modern healthcare and social care services. If you’re interested in helping to support other people’s health needs, you may consider pursuing an allied health degree or a related qualification.

The job scope of allied health includes professionals who work at physician’s clinics and hospitals, handling data related to insurance, billing, prescriptions, and medical records. They may gather, organise, and analyse data to improve patient care and reduce costs at their place of employment. Allied health activities and professions include those which have a direct and indirect effect on patient care or on the health of an individual or the population.

In Malaysia, the Allied Health Professions are governed by the MAHPC (Malaysian Allied Health Professions Council). The MAHPC regulates the registration of persons practising as allied health practitioners and persons carrying on activities relating to allied health. It aims to regulate the practice of Allied Health Professions and related matters. It acts in accordance with the ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSION ACTS 2016 ACT 774.

In the Second Schedule of the Act 774, 23 different professions have been specified. They are:

  1. Audiologist
  2. Clinical Psychologist
  3. Clinical Scientist (Biochemist)
  4. Clinical Scientist (Biomedical Scientist)
  5. Clinical Scientist (Embryologists)
  6. Clinical Scientist (Medical Geneticist)
  7. Clinical Scientist (Microbiologist)
  8. Dental Technologist
  9. Diagnostic Radiographer
  10. Dietitian
  11. Entomologist (Public Health)
  12. Environmental Health Officer
  13. Forensic Science Officer
  14. Food Service Officer (Healthcare)
  15. Health Education Officer
  16. Medical Laboratory Technologist
  17. Medical Physicist
  18. Medical Social Officer
  19. Nutritionist
  20. Occupational Therapist
  21. Physiotherapist
  22. Radiation Therapist
  23. Speech-Language Therapist

Grouping of the Above 23 Allied Health Professionals

Clinical Group

  • Audiologist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Diagnostic Radiographer
  • Dietitian
  • Food Service Officer
  • Medical Physicist
  • Medical Social Worker
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Radiation Therapist
  • Speech-Language Therapist

Laboratory Group

  • Biochemist
  • Biomedical Scientist
  • Dental Technologist
  • Embryologist
  • Medical Geneticist
  • Medical Laboratory Technologist
  • Microbiologist

Public Health Group

  • Entomologist
  • Environmental Health Officer
  • Health Education Officer
  • Nutritionist

Functions of MAHPC (Malaysian Allied Health Professions Council)

MAHPC regulates the practice of Allied Health Professions and related matters.

  • To register and issue certificates to registered practitioners.
  • To determine the appropriate qualifications of Allied Health Professions.
  • To regulate the practice, ethics, and professional conduct of a registered Allied Health professional.
  • To determine the necessary prerequisites of Allied Health Practitioners.
  • To supervise matters relating to Allied Health Professions such as training, competency, and professional development.

The Director of the Allied Health Services Division takes on the roles that involve:

  • Registration
  • Process of governing registration
  • The removal of names from the register
  • The surrender of certificates
  • Suspension of registered practitioners
  • Reinstatement upon successful appeal

To carry out its duties, the Council is given the authority to exercise disciplinary action on registered practitioners who commit offences such as:

  • Publishing false and misleading advertisements regarding their services
  • Forgery and alterations of certificates
  • Obtaining certificates by false and fraudulent declaration
  • Practising without being registered
  • Employing a person who is not a registered practitioner

Careers in Allied Health Professions

The Allied Health field opens up a world of opportunities with rewarding careers, job security, and competitive salaries. There are more than 100 different specialities in this field for students to choose from, each with its own unique scope of practice.

Benefits of a Career in Allied Health

  1. High demand - The ageing population of countries around the world puts demand on the healthcare system, leading to increasing healthcare needs.
  2. Job security - In any healthcare team, Allied Health Professionals are essential to have in the team. This gives job security to practitioners of allied health who are well sought after.
  3. Diversity of jobs - As the field of allied health is so diverse, individuals can choose a career path that aligns with their interests and skills.
  4. Personal satisfaction - Practitioners are able to make a meaningful and positive impact on the lives of their clients. This gives them job satisfaction.
  5. Competitive salaries - The indispensability of their services results in competitive salaries for Allied Health Professionals.

Education Pathways

To become a qualified Allied Health Practitioner, you need to complete an accredited programme, and the qualification must be recognised by the Council.

Qualifications for Registration as a Practitioner

Under Section 16 of the Act, any person may apply to be registered as an allied health practitioner if:

  • (a) he is a Malaysian citizen;
  • (b) he holds any qualification as may be recognized by the Council;
  • (c) he fulfils other prerequisite requirements as may be determined by the Council; and
  • (d) he has not been convicted of an offence involving fraud, dishonesty, or moral turpitude, or an offence punishable with imprisonment, whether in itself only or in addition to or in lieu of a fine, for more than two years.

Registration as an Expert

Under Section 21, any registered practitioner may apply to be registered as an expert if:

  • (a) he has attended specialized training relating to his Allied Health Profession in a recognised training institution as may be determined by the Council;
  • (b) he holds a recognised qualification awarded by a recognised training institution; and
  • (c) he has proven to the satisfaction of the Council that he is a fit and proper person and is of good character.

Career Pathways for Qualified Allied Health Professionals

  • Clinical Practice - providing direct patient care in hospitals, clinics, and private practices.
  • Research - conducting research to improve healthcare practices and develop new treatments.
  • Teaching - conducting health programmes for continuing education.
  • Administration - managing healthcare facilities or centres.
  • Consulting - providing expertise and advice to healthcare organisations and businesses.

Thus, we can see that career opportunities are aplenty for Allied Health Professionals as they possess the flexibility to adapt to a range of different organisational and clinical contexts, adjusting their roles and responses accordingly.


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