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What A level subjects do you need for the bachelor degree you want to study?

by StudyMalaysia.com on March 30, 2020 | Top Stories

What A level subjects do you need for the bachelor degree you want to study? - StudyMalaysia.com

Choosing a pre-university programme could be tricky enough but have you thought about the subjects you’d like to study at A levels so that you can continue with the bachelor degree you want?

Here’s a quick guide to subjects you should take according to some popular areas of study—but do note that for many degree programmes like business, law, management, and psychology, there are no specific or compulsory subjects. This is good news for those who have yet to decide on what bachelor degree to pursue.

Disclaimer: The subjects listed in this table serve merely as a guide. Students need to find out from specific institutions what their exact subject requirements are. These institutions may also specify a minimum grade for these subjects.

Area of study Specific subjects required Useful subjects Other typical subjects
Actuarial science Maths
  1. Further maths
  2. Physics
  3. Economics
Art and design Art or design-related subjects
  1. Design technology
  2. Photography
  3. History of art
  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  1. Maths
  2. Physics
Biological sciences
  1. Biology
  2. A second science (some institutions prefer Chemistry)
  1. Maths
  2. Physics
  3. Psychology
  4. Geography
  5. Sociology
  6. Statistics
Building and construction, architecture
  1. Maths
  2. Physics
  1. Technology
  2. A science subject
  1. Business studies
  2. Geography
  3. IT
Business, accountancy, finance, banking and management None
  1. Maths
  2. Business studies
  3. Economics
  1. IT and computing
  2. General studies
  3. Geography
Computer science Maths
  1. Computing
  2. Further maths
  3. Physics
  4. Chemistry
  5. Philosophy
  6. ICT
  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  1. Maths
  2. Physics
Economics Maths Economics
  1. Further maths
  2. History
  3. Statistics
  1. Maths
  2. Chemistry and/or
  3. Physics
  1. Further maths
  2. Biology
  3. Economics
  4. Computing
  5. Environmental science
Law None
  1. Maths
  2. Law
  1. A foreign language
  2. Maths
  3. Science
  4. English
  5. History
  6. Geography
Mathematics Maths
  1. Further maths
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry
  4. Biology/Human Biology
  5. Statistics
  6. Computing
  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  1. Maths
  2. Physics
Modern languages an A-level in a modern language is usually required
  1. any other modern language
  2. English literature
  3. History
  4. Politics
  1. General studies
  2. English language
  3. Maths
Music music and Grade VII/VIII for your main instrument; also, some courses may need a portfolio or an audition
  1. English
  2. History
  1. Chemistry
  2. Either Maths or Biology
Psychology None
  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Maths
  4. Physics
  1. English
  2. History
Science At least one or two science subjects and Maths
Veterinary sciences
  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  1. Maths
  2. Physics


Note to students: Before you decide, you are advised to check the application guidelines of the course providers. Every course has different requirements, and may specify a combination of requirements: e.g. SPM or Pre-U or its equivalent), specific subjects at a minimum grade, language proficiency, etc. Finding out more from the respective universities’ admission department will enable you to work towards achieving the required subject grades.

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