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Your Future Career: The Ultimate Higher Education Guidebook (myCOURSE Guide) for High School Students!

by StudyMalaysia.com on June 3, 2024 | Top Stories

Your Future Career: The Ultimate Higher Education Guidebook (myCOURSE Guide) for High School Students! - StudyMalaysia.com

This print myCOURSE Guide (2024/2025, 4th edition), published by STUDYMALAYSIA recently, is designed to empower upper secondary and high school students with the skills to choose the right course for further studies and to understand the diverse higher education opportunities available in Malaysia.

Additionally, it is available in a digital e-format (PDF) accessible to anyone with an electronic device. It can be downloaded from bit.ly/myCOURSEeGuide_v3. The e-Guide is complemented by the online Course-Interest-Test at interest.studymalaysia.com, a course exploration assessment tool.  

Why do you need a copy? 

This guide introduces you to a wealth of useful information and helps you in your career planning:

1. Comprehensive Information on Higher Education Opportunities

Gain insights into diverse opportunities available in higher education, ensuring you make well-informed decisions.

2. 27 Fields of Study’ assessment tool

This guide offers a detailed explanation of 27 distinct fields of study, each corresponding to a specific university faculty. It aims to help you understand all possible study disciplines available at the undergraduate level. It also offers guidance on how to explore your study interests within these fields.

3. Top Quality Universities and Colleges

Profiles of 13 top-quality universities and colleges, showcasing nearly 60 institutions offering more than 2,400 courses, from certificates to bachelor's degrees and postgraduate programs.

4. Occupations Showcase

This guide provides you an extensive list of 2,300 occupations from various industries. It helps you to understand career future trends to make informed decisions about your education and career path.

5. Contact Information

Addresses and contact details for 300 public learning institutions and private universities and colleges.

6. Educational Articles

Useful articles offering information on higher education opportunities, the role of quality agency, MQA, in maintaining academic standards, guidance on choosing study pathways to achieve your desired qualifications, 20 tips from experts on selecting the right course, understanding TVET education pathways, and much more.

7. Complemented with your all-in-one online education resource for further studies

StudyMalaysia.com portal

This guidebook, available in both print and electronic versions, is especially useful for school-going students at upper secondary level, students with SPM/IGCSE/STPM/A-Levels/UEC/Pre-U qualifications as well as school career counsellors and parents.

For enquiry, contact:

The Publisher
Tel: 011-16593837 / 014-6693837
Email: [email protected]

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