Search Scholarships

Results of Search: 141 scholarship results found.

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  • Scholarships Explained!

  • Scholarship / Fund / Loan
  • Management and Science University Financial Aid

    In driving and transforming MSU towards excellence, financial assistance has been provided to outstanding or underprivileged students, inclusive of those from lower middle-income nations, to acquire quality education. The funds are distributed throug...
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • SEGi Scholarships & Financial Aids

    SEGi University is offering scholarships and financial aids to Malaysians who have achieved outstanding results and wish to enroll into SEGi.
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • Post Graduate Research Scholarship

    The Post-Graduate Research Scholarship is offered to suitable applicants who are enrolling in postgraduate research program in City University.
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • CityU Industry Scholarship

    These programs have been developed in consultation with the industry to ensure that graduates are prepared and competent for work requirements. We offer a mix of academic and workplace learning environment. On graduation, the students will embark on ...
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • Leadership Excellence Scholarship

    The Leadership Excellence Scholarship is awarded to candidates who have outstanding sports achievement at the State and National levels or have demonstrated outstanding leadership quality through active participation in co-curricular activities, soci...
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • CityU Scholarship for Outstanding Student

    The City U Scholarship for outstanding student is awarded to existing City University students who have consistently shown outstanding results in their degree and contribute toward the community and City University.
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • Vice-Chancellor Scholarship

    The Vice-Chancellor Scholarship is awarded to continuing students who have completed Foundation program in City University and are pursuing a Degree program in City University.
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • Pro-Chancellor Scholarship

    The Pro-Chancellor Scholarship is awarded to continuing students who have completed A-Level program in City University and are now pursuing a Degree program in City University.
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • Post Graduate Promotion for School Teachers

    The Government Employee Scholarship is awarded to candidates enrolling into Master or PhD programs.
    Deadline: Ongoing
  • Sports Scholarship for Active National Sportsman / Sportswoman

    The scholarship will be awarded to the successful applicants during the Special Award ceremony, which will be held in December of each year.
    Deadline: Ongoing

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Scholarship Explained

Financial Aid Providers

In Malaysia, the sponsors of financial aid come from various categories. These include scholarships and loans offered by the government, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, government-linked companies and trade associations.

Types of Financial Aid

Higher education is one of the most important investments you will make in your lifetime. With the increasing cost of education, planning ahead is essential to finance your education. So what are some options you can explore? Here are some common ways students seek financial aid.

  • Scholarships
    Scholarships are monetary awards given based on academic or other achievements and are non-repayable, which means you won't have to pay the money back. Scholarships are awarded by the government, non-government organisations, corporations and independent foundations.
  • Bursaries
    You may have heard people using the terms 'scholarship' and 'bursary' interchangeably, however, bursaries are usually non-competitive and automatic, and often based on financial need without emphasis on academic standing.
  • Grants
    Grants are similar to scholarships and also don't have to be repaid. The difference is that grants are often need-based while scholarships are usually merit-based. Grants are also given to students who carry out academic research projects.
  • Education Funds
    Education Funds are Scholarships or loans provided by the Government / foundation / private educational institutions / financial institutions to reduce the burden of financing a student's education expenses, whether locally or overseas.
  • Tuition Fee Waiver or Discount
    Many private higher education institutions in Malaysia offer partial or full tuition fee waivers or discounts based on merit (e.g. academic, sports, leadership roles). Recipients are often required to maintain a minimum CGPA to continue enjoying the tuition fee waiver.
  • Unit Trusts & Insurance Schemes
    These are typically investment schemes that parents undertake for several years to secure financial funding for their child's higher education.
  • Loans
    Loans are financial obligations that must be repaid. Loans are mostly provided by private sector or government bodies.

Financing for Higher Education

The cost of tertiary education does not come cheap, but it is a lifetime investment for your future. Therefore whether your parents can afford your entire or partial cost of tertiary education, you are advised to go through this pathway in order to be competitive in your career advancement. If your family cannot afford the cost, you may work while studying part-time or look for some forms of scholarship, study grant, loan or other sources of financial aid to help you to pay for your education.

Read the article on Scholarships & Study Loans for Higher Education here.

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