Diploma in Agricultural Science is designed to produce specialised human resource that are capable of using technical and practical skills in managing plantation crops using sustainable technology for the plantation industry that is rapidly expanding in South East Asia, Africa and South America. This programme produces graduates who are proactive and disciplined. They would be nurtured to be team players with an entrepreneurial spirit to progress in a competitive society. They would also be well-versed in using ICT and acquire current information on plantation technology. Students are exposed to modern technology in farming, plant protection techniques and weed science to increase yields of plantation crops. Subjects such as Soil Management for Plantation Crops and Introduction to Weed Science increase students’ knowledge in managing plantation operations and plantation crops using sustainable technology.
General Chemistry, English for Science and Technology I, II & III, Introduction to Economics, Introduction to Plant Protection, Introduction to Soil Science, Organic Chemistry, Plant Biology, Plantation Crop I: Oil Palm, Principles of Crop Science, Sustainable Farming, Pengajian Malaysia II, Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi II, U2, U4
Basic Entrepreneurship, Farm Planning & Management, Human Resources in Plantation Management, ICT in Farm Management, Integrated Pest Management for Plantation Crop, Introduction to Agricultural Marketing, Introduction to Palm Oil Milling and Refining, Introduction to Weed Science, Mechanization and Automation in Plantation Crop Management, Plantation Crop II: Rubber, Coconut, Coffee & Cocoa, Soil Management for Plantation Crops, U3
Industrial Training
SPM | Minimum 3Cs (including a Science Subject and a Pass in English) |
O-Level | Minimum 3Cs (including a Science Subject and a Pass in English) |
UEC | Minimum 3Bs (including a Science Subject and a Pass in English) |
Certificate/SKM III | Minimum CGPA of 2.00 with a C in SPM |
SAM/HSC/AUSMAT | TER/UAI: average of 50% or higher in 5 subjects (including Mathematics) |
CPU/CIMP | Average of 60% or higher in 6 subjects (including Mathematics) |
Other Qualifications | As recognised by the Senate of IUKL as equivalent to STPM |