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Straits International School Rawang - Key Personnel

Key Personnel

Meet the key personnel who are driving the success of our programmes and initiatives.

  • Photo of Stephen Willoughby

    Stephen Willoughby

    Founding Principal

    It is a privilege to be the founding principal of Straits International School, Rawang (SISR). I am very excited about the endless possibilities. As principal, it is my duty and honour to be able to inspire students and teachers alike. I believe in leading by example. Therefore, I am fully committed to achieving excellence not only for myself but also for all members of the school community. I have held a number of senior leadership positions throughout the world, and I will use this experience to ensure that Straits International School continues to provide an outstanding educational experience for all our young people.

    It is no secret that every child can learn. As educators, we must strive to find ways to include all our students. If we can teach our students to be passionate learners who are not afraid to answer questions or question answers, we will indeed be successful in achieving our school's vision. I have been personally struck by the school motto 'Non Mihi, Non Tibi, Sed Nobis / Not For You, Not For Me, But For Us'. I fully intend to develop a caring team ethos here in Straits Rawang where everyone will work together as a team for the benefit of the students.

    As a school, we seek to work with parents in helping students to enter the world as responsible, mature, and engaged members of society. This starts from the moment a child enters our school. Our aim is to provide and encourage all children to learn and develop independently, facilitating their personal growth, and instilling in each of them a lifelong passion for learning.

Contact Details

  • Straits International School Rawang
  • Persiaran Taman Sari,
    Taman Sari,
    48000 Rawang
  • Phone: 0367333178

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