Kolej RISDA started its operation as Kumpulan Institut Latihan Risda which runs the activity of technical training and management since 1973 in four branches located in Melaka, Pahang, Perak, and Kelantan.
In the year 1999, the Institute was taken over by Kolej RISDA Sdn. Bhd., a corporate body incorporated in 1993. Subsequently, all the branches were upgraded as Kolej RISDA branch campuses. Each branch was registered with the State Education Department and was recognised as a Center for National Vocational Training Council (MLVK). Kolej RISDA Melaka was also registered under Private Higher Learning Institution Act 1996 to operate as a Private Higher Learning Institution (PHEI).
The Vision of Kolej RISDA is to become a PHEI with conducive residential surrounding and to be the first choice in producing quality graduates that fulfils the country's need.
Kolej RISDA's Mission is to provide academic and vocational skills programmes based upon integrated individual's intellectual, spiritual and physical capabilities towards developing graduates with knowledge, good virtues and become asset to the nation.
The main objective of Kolej RISDA is to make available education to students at rural areas, especially to children of small orchards' farmers who may not have the opportunity to enter into institutions of higher learning in the public sector. Through RISDA, the government endeavours to raise the standard of living for these people that total around 500,000 throughout Malaysia.
Location of Branch Campuses
Academic Strengths
Currently, the four Kolej RISDA campuses are accommodated with 655 acres of land equipped with educational and training centres infrastructure including hostels, recreational centers, mosque and garden landscapes which ensures a conducive environment for studying, recreation and practicing religious activities for 1,500 students at a time.
Kolej RISDA Sdn. Bhd. is also a registered contractor with the Ministry of Finance Malaysia for services and supplies related to training such as training aids, food and lodging facilities.
The lecturers at all HQ and branch campuses are qualified in their respective fields and have been selected based on all requirements set by the Department of Higher Education for public institutions.
* MLVK = Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan
Kolej RISDA Melaka
The Diploma programmes here are in collaboration with the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Certificates are LAN (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara) accredited, adhering to specifications provided by them.
Kolej RISDA Pahang
The programmes offered here include MLVK certificates which are offered under the Ministry of Human Resources Development.
There are also short term computer courses that introduce students to computer language, graphics, animation, multimedia, Internet and other types of computer usages. Also available are short term courses related to human resources like professional secretarial courses, communications, telephone etiquette, etc. The courses related to landscaping cover areas like management of landscape, landscape contract and landscape development (in rural areas) and others.
Kolej RISDA Kelantan
The programmes made available to students in Kolej RISDA Kelantan include MLVK certificates which are offered under the Ministry of Human Resources Development.
Training Courses
Kolej RISDA Perak
The programmes offered by Kolej RISDA Perak are mainly MLVK courses under the Ministry of Human Resources Development.
*MLVK certificate - D041 Computer System Engineering (SKM 2)
The campuses offer comfortable and conducive learning environments for their students and all have
Student Support Services & Student Development Activities
Students at Kolej RISDA campuses are well cared for. Their hostel accommodation has the students' comfort in mind and transportation is made easy for the students' mobility to and fro classes and their hostels.
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