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What is StudyMalaysia.Com?

Study Malaysia Online or is a comprehensive website on the Malaysian education system. It features various private schools, colleges and universities, public universities, polytechnics and professional bodies in Malaysia. Students can obtain information on the educational providers they are interested in and check out the courses/ programmes and facilities that these institutions offer. Other pertinent sections in the website include edu-financing such as scholarships and study loans, discussions and current updates on the local education front (edu-news). International students will find relevant facts to help them assimilate information on the different educational institutions and courses offered. At the same time, they can learn more on Malaysia's background and its culture before stepping into the country as well as expected cost of education and living.

Study Malaysia Online was launched on 28th December 1998 by the then Minister of Education, Y.A.B. Dato' Sri Mohd. Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak.


To promote Malaysian education both locally and internationally by providing reliable and comprehensive information supported with cutting edge internet technology in line with the Government's vision to make Malaysia as a Centre of Educational Excellence.


  1. Providing good services to both local and overseas audience by offering quick response to their queries and employing cutting edge internet technology so that it is a user friendly site.
  2. Matching the education demand and supply by connecting the educational institutions to students through a click of button.
  3. Providing a cheap and effective online platform for international students to reach out to Malaysia educational institutions.
  4. Complementing the role of Ministry of Education in particularly the Department of Private Education to promote Malaysia's quality education to international students as well as to offer an online platform for students to enroll into Malaysian educational institutions.
  5. Providing comprehensive, accurate and currency information about Malaysian education.
  6. Projecting the good image of Malaysian education and to support Malaysian educational institutions to compete effectively with other education export countries.
  7. Supporting the authorities to realize the vision of Government in making Malaysia a centre of educational excellence.
  8. Serving as a most powerful and effective online marketing media for Malaysian educational institutions.


To use the power and global accessibility of the Internet to assist Malaysian educational institutions effectively promote their institutions and target students from Malaysia and overseas, as well as complement the Government's efforts to project Malaysia as an international centre of educational excellence.


To be the most popular and comprehensive web-based reference resource on all issues of the Malaysian education system, specifically higher and private education opportunities, for Malaysians and foreigners.

This privacy policy applies to the operations of brands and services within the Study Malaysia family.

Contact Details

Should you need to contact us via mail or telephone or fax, use the information provided below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Our office can be found at the following address:

60-3A & 3B, Jalan PJU 1/3B
Sunwaymas Commercial Centre
47301 Petaling Jaya
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel/Fax : +(603) 7880 3837
Whatsapp: +6014-669 3837
Email: [email protected]

Or, you can contact us using the feedback form.

Empowering You to Make Better Study Choices

Choosing a right course to study after SPM can be a daunting decision particularly when you do not know how to begin. Are you armed with enough knowledge and the right information to make a choice? This article introduces you to some resources to guide to exploring career and study options most suited for you.

StudyMalaysia provides some of the following services and products to empower students like you to make better study choices on higher education. If you have completed your SPM/O-level/Pre-U/UEC, these resources will help you in deciding on your next move in education:

  1. website - Study options
  2. Facebook Page
  3. Instagram Page
  4. Twitter Page
  5. Google My Business Page
  6. Guide to Student Financial Aid guidebook
  7. Course Interest Test
  8. Education Guide Malaysia guidebook
  9. StudyMalaysia Education Fair

If you want to know what higher education opportunities there are after SPM/O-level/Pre-U/UEC, then explore your study and career options through the following services and publications of StudyMalaysia:

A. website

If you wish to know WHAT and WHERE to study in Malaysia without leaving your home, visiting this website at is a MUST!

Some of the features in the website include:

  • Institution search - it allows you an easy search for institutions of your choice
  • Course search - it helps you to search for a course of your choice at the click of a mouse
  • Scholarship search - equipped with a keyword search function, this section contains information on financial aid
  • Event calendar - see the latest events and happenings all around you - colleges, exhibitions, road shows, etc.
  • On Focus (Institution and Course) - stay up to date with the latest developments of universities and colleges, hot courses in town
  • News - get in touch with the latest news and hot discussion topics in the education scene
  • Online study application - this service enables students to apply directly to an institution by filling out their personal details and submitting their education portfolio
  • Articles and tips - access to write-ups on education opportunities in Malaysia, tips on choosing a college, and many more
  • Career Guide - This section helps students to arm themselves with enough knowledge and the right information to decide on their choice of career.
  • Helpdesk - Do you have a question on further studies in Malaysia? Every enquiry is tagged with a ticket number, allowing students and institutions to track and ensure that each enquiry is answered

B. Facebook Page in has attracted more than 45,000 fans. Join us on Facebook today to get regular updates on scholarships and educational development in Malaysia and answers to your study queries.

You are invited to like the page at

C. Guide to Student Financial Aid guidebook

Guide to Student Financial Aid, an annual publication published in conjunction with StudyMalaysia Education Fair, is a comprehensive guide listing the types of financial aid available in Malaysia and its providers, such as scholarships, study loans, grants, etc. Come to StudyMalaysia Education Fair and obtain a FREE copy (while stocks last).

You can also download an e-copy from

D. Course Interest Test


Have you ever wished you could be sure of what course of study to choose? StudyMalaysia can help you make that decision a little easier! How? All you need to do is take the Course Interest Test.

E. Education Guide Malaysia guidebook

Be sure to check out ‘Education Guide Malaysia’ - the most comprehensive guidebook on higher education opportunities in Malaysia. Published annually, this indispensible guidebook is what students (SPM and STPM school leavers) need in searching for their tertiary level programmes in Malaysia. The latest guidebook is in its 13th edition (600-page).

How will the Education Guide Malaysia benefit you?

This guidebook features course information and entry requirements for:

  • Public universities under the Ministry of Education
  • Private higher educational institutions (PHEIs), such as private universities, private colleges, foreign university branch campuses in Malaysia, etc.
  • Polytechnics and community colleges under the Ministry of Education
  • Malaysian Institutes of Teacher Education under the Ministry of Education (MOE)
  • Skills Qualification in Malaysia under the Ministry of Human Resources
  • Education consultants on study abroad opportunities

Comprises useful articles on:

  • Study routes to pre-university studies at PHEIs
  • Study routes to certificate and diploma qualifications at PHEIs
  • Study routes to bachelor’s degree and professional qualifications at PHEIs
  • Applying to and studying at public universities via UPU
  • Studying at MOE’s polytechnics and community colleges
  • Financial aid: scholarships and study loans for higher education and many more
  • Structure of Malaysian higher education qualifications
  • Who’s who in Malaysian education industry
  • Career planning - route to a filling career

 For more information, please visit

F. StudyMalaysia Education Fair (East Malaysia)

Students are invited to visit the StudyMalaysia Education Fair (East Malaysia) which is held annually in March. In 2014 it was carried out at the following venues:

  1. Suria Sabah Shopping Mall, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
  2. CityOne Megamall, Kuching, Sarawak
  3. RH Hotel, Sibu, Sarawak

This fair is organised by StudyMalaysia Exhibition and endorsed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. New Sabah Times (KK) and Sin Chew Daily (Kuching and Sibu) are the official media for the event.

Visiting the fair will give students and parents like you the convenience of speaking face-to-face to course consultants of various institutions all at one location. The fair will provide you with useful and important information on higher education options in Malaysia and abroad. This includes information on courses ranging from pre-university and bachelor’s degree levels to postgraduate studies through various study routes, e.g. distance learning, 3+0 degree, twinning degree (2+1), overseas degree (foreign university branch campus), study abroad options, and many more.

For more information, please visit:

For the last 21 years, StudyMalaysia’s publications and services have provided students, parents, school counsellors, educators and many education related orgnisations in Malaysia and abroad, complementing the efforts of Ministry of Education Malaysia, with the most comprehensive source of information on study opportunities in Malaysia ranging from pre-university education to postgraduate studies

For more information about our products and services, please contact StudyMalaysia at +603-78803837. Or send us an email at: [email protected]. We will be most happy to be of service to you.

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Course Interest Test - Find out what course is right for you!