Do you like accounts, working with numbers, organising data, explaining complex ideas to others, and providing financial services to organisations or individuals?
Accounting & Finance
Do you like plants, animals, nature, working with your hands outdoors, and the study of agriculture, living things and environmental resources?
Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary
Do you like to design, construct and build structures and landscapes; decorate your living space, carry out home improvement projects, and observe your surroundings (indoors and outdoors)?
Architecture and Building
Do you like arts and design; and enjoy music, dance, paintings, performing and/or creating things particularly because you have an artistic or creative talent?
Arts and Design
Do you like filming, editing and producing your own videos; or using the latest in design techniques, tools, and software to design complex graphics and animation?
Audio-Visual Techniques and Media Production
Do you like the study of business management, taking risks for business gains, trying new things, and managing and motivating different types of people?
Business Management and Administration
Do you have a passion for investigating and sharing news, writing or speaking for different types of audiences, or making presentations and videos to share with others?
Communication and Broadcasting
Do you like learning about computer systems, toying around with mechanical or electronic gadgets, playing computer games, or reading about the latest developments in ICT?
Computing & IT
Do you have a passion for teaching and learning; and are you motivated by a desire to help all types of students to learn, grow and fulfil their potential?
Do you like solving engineering problems, puzzles and other mind challenging games; and thinking of new and better ways of building and fixing things?
Engineering and Engineering Trades
Are you passionate about building a sustainable way of life for the future and working with the public to create awareness in protecting the environment?
Environmental Protection
Do you enjoy travelling to new places, dining in different restaurants, exploring other cultures; and making plans for people to relax, vacation and have a good time?
Hospitality and Tourism
Do you like questioning things and having philosophical discussions; and to study the values of different cultures and religions, learn how history is made, and understand the world we live in?
Do you have a passion for learning or teaching languages; and for studying the past and present cultures of a country or region?
Are you a person who respects and wants to know the law and the rule of law, values human rights, likes to meet people from all walks of life, and deal with a wide variety of human conflict?
Do you like working with your hands, using equipment or machines, and using science and technology to transform raw materials into intermediate or final products?
Manufacturing and Processing
Do you like to buy and sell things, keep up with the latest products in the market, come up with original and innovative ideas, and acquire knowledge to provide marketing and promotion services?
Marketing and Sales
Do you like math, working with numbers, and learning how to apply all kinds of mathematical concepts and formulas to real life situations?
Mathematics and Statistics
Do you have a passion for medical science, a desire to enhance people's health, and a commitment to preventing and treating diseases and injury in humans?
Medicine and Healthcare
Do you have an interest in using technology and tools in healthcare settings to diagnose, prevent, monitor, and treat diseases, injuries, or disabilities in humans?
Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Technology
Would you like to see workers working in surroundings that are clean, safe and secure; and prevent working conditions that are hazardous to workers’ health, their work place, and the health of others?
Occupational Health & Hygiene Services
Would you like to learn how to help people to look, feel and do better; help others to achieve a personal goal, and make a difference in their lives?
Personal Services
Do you like reading about new discoveries in science; and doing projects that involve research, conducting experiments in a lab and collecting data outdoors?
Science (Biological Science and Physical Science)
Would you like to learn more about how you can protect public safety, national security and international affairs by creating or implementing security standards, policies, and procedures?
Security and Protective Services
Are you interested in the study of human society and social relationships, and how humans interact and behave in various settings; and would you like to find out how people and the environment interact to influence the world we live?
Social Sciences
Would you like to study social intervention so that you can help others in need, and improve their social and economic well-being by counselling them, doing volunteer work, and other social services?
Social Services
Are you interested in studying how goods and people are moved using different modes of transportation, like roads, ships, planes, trains, and logistics management?
Transport Services