Career Guide and 27 Fields of Study

Fields of Study: Humanities

Do you like questioning things and having philosophical discussions; and to study the values of different cultures and religions, learn how history is made, and understand the world we live in?

What’s It About ?

The field of humanities includes the study of philosophy, religion and history. It is the study of the nature and context of human experience, perception, and interpretation of reality, and human spirituality and beliefs.

The main purpose of this field of study is to develop an understanding of theology, metaphysics, ethics, and spirituality in relation to religious understanding and practice, and the perception of truth, being and reality. It also includes the study of the past and present behaviour of humans and their interaction and social organisation, social and cultural processes and systems, and history and its relation to the current condition of society.

Possible Occupations

  • Anthropologists
  • Archaeologists
  • Archivists
  • Cleric
  • Consultant
  • Counsellors
  • Curators
  • Editor
  • Foreign Service Agent
  • Historians
  • History Teachers
  • Journalist
  • Philosophy Teachers
  • Religion Teachers
  • Religious Activities Directors

Courses in Humanities

The field of humanities includes the study of philosophy, religion and history. It is the study of the nature and context of human experience, perception, and interpretation of reality, and human spirituality and beliefs. The main purpose of this field of study is to develop an understanding of theology, metaphysics, ethics, and spirituality in relation to religious understanding and practice, and the perception of truth, being and reality. It also includes the study of the past and present behaviour of humans and their interaction and social organisation, social and cultural processes and systems, and history and its relation to the current condition of society.

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Your Future Careers in Humanities

Careers in humanities
Careers in humanities

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What is humanities all about?
What is humanities all about?

Are you good at speaking and writing? Do you like studying literature and art, and making connections between different subjects and disciplines? Are ...

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  1. Image by Daniel Chrisman from Pixabay

Source: Education Guide Malaysia 14th Ed.

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