Study Info & Guide

Academic Qualification Equivalence

by on May 15, 2023 | The National Education System


The list below provides a quick reference for students in comparing the academic qualification from their country of origin to that of Malaysia. The list is by no means exhaustive. For more information, please visit the website of national quality agency at

Table 6.2: Minimum Academic Admission Requirements For International Students
No. Foreign Qualification Country Malaysian Equivalence
1. Australia Year 10
Australia Year 11
Australia Year 12
Australia Year 10 = SPM
Year 12 = STPM
South Australia Matriculation (SAM) STPM
Tertiary Entrance Education STPM
Victoria Certificate of Education (VCE) STPM
Western Australian Certificate of Education STPM
2. Tawjahiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Bahrain STPM
3. Secondary School Certificate Bangladesh SPM
Higher Secondary School Certificate STPM
4. GCE ‘O’ Level Brunei Darussalam SPM
GCE ‘A’ Level STPM
Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Ugama (STPU) Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM)
5. Upper Secondary (Grade 12) Cambodia STPM
6. General Certificate of Education Examination Advanced Level Cameroon – Republic of Cameroon STPM
7. High Secondary School Diploma (Grade 12)/ Canadian Grade 12 Canada STPM
Canadian Pre-University (CPU)/ Ontario Secondary School diploma STPM
Canadian Grade 11 SPM
8. Senior High School Diploma China STPM
9. Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE) China-Hong Kong STPM
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) SPM
10. Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) / GCE Advanced China - Macau STPM
Ensino Secundario Complementar STPM
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC) / GCE O Level SPM
11. Senior High School Leaving Certificate Taiwan STPM
12. Bevis for Studentereksamen Denmark STPM
Bevis for Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) STPM
13. Thanaweya A’a,a (General Secondary School Certificate) Egypt STPM
Al-Azhar General Secondary School Certificate STPM
14. Baccalaureat + Grandes Ecoles (entrance examination) France STPM
15. Zeugnis Der Reife / Zeugnis
der Allgemeinen
Hochschulreife / Abitur
Germany STPM
16. Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (since 1993) Ghana STPM
West African Higher School Certificate / GCE A Level STPM
West African School Certificate/ GCE O Level SPM
17. West African Examinations Council GCE A level Gambia STPM
West African Examinations Council School Certificate /GCE O Level SPM
18. Indian School Certificate / Secondary School Certificate India SPM
Higher Secondary Course Certificate / Higher Secondary
School Certificate
19. Sekolah Menengah Umum 3 / Sekolah Menengah Atas Indonesia STPM
20. High School Diploma + KONKUR Iran STPM
21. Sixth Form Baccalaureat Iraq STPM
22. Leaving Certificate Examination passed at Higher Ireland STPM
Leaving Certificate Examination at Ordinary SPM
23. Upper Secondary SchoolLeaving Certificate (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho) Japan STPM
24. Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) Jordan STPM
25. East African Certificate of Education (EAACE) / Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) Kenya SPM
East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EAACE) / Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KCE) STPM
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) STPM
26. High School Diploma Korea –South Korea STPM
27. Shahadat-al-thanawia-ala’ama (General Secondary
School Certificate)
Kuwait STPM
28. Baccalaureat Laos STPM
29. Senior High School Certificate Liberia STPM
30. Secondary School Certificate / Secondary Education Certificate Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya STPM
31. Cambridge School Certificate / General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level Mauritius SPM
Higher School Certificate Examination / General Certificate of Education Advanced Level STPM
32. Baccalaureat Morocco STPM
33. Basic Education High ,School Examination / Matriculation Myanmmar SPM
34. Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC)/GCE A Level Namibia STPM
IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) SPM
Cambridge School Certificate (CSC)/ Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC)/GCE O Level SPM
35. School Leaving Certificate Examination Nepal SPM
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) STPM
36. Pre-University Education/Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO- Diploma) Netherlands STPM
Senior General Education/ Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO – diploma) SPM
37. National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA Level 3), New Zealand New Zealand STPM
NCEA Level 2, New Zealand
NCEA Level 1, New Zealand SPM
38. West African School Certificate / GCE O-Level Nigeria SPM
West African GCE A-Level STPM
West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate (WAEC Senior School Certificate) / NECO (Nigerian Examination Council) STPM
39. Thanawiya amma ( Secondary School Leaving Certificate / General Secondary School Certificate) Sultanate of Oman STPM
One year Certificate / Foundation Year (Taken Before Bachelor Degree) STPM
40. Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Board of Secondary Education, Karachi Pakistan SPM
Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (HSC)/ Intermediate Certificateissued by Board of Intermediate Education Karachi STPM
41. Bachillerato Panama STPM
42. Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) Palestine STPM
43. High School Diploma Phillipines STPM
44. Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci / Matura Poland STPM
45. Al-Thanawaya Al-Amah (General Secondary Education Certificate) Qatar STPM
46. Attestat (Certificate of Secondary Ecuation at Grade 11) Russia STPM
47. General Secondary Education Certificate (GSC) Saudi Arabia STPM
48. Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) HIGHER GRADE, Scottish Examination Board Scotland STPM
The Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) STANDARD GRADE, Scottish Examination Board SPM
49. Senior School Certificate Sierra Leone STPM
West African Higher School Certificate (WAHSC) / GCE A level / Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC) STPM
West African School Certificate (WASC) / GCE O level / Cambridge Overseas
School Certificate (COSC)
50. Singapore Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Ordinary’ level   SPM
  Singapore Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced’ Level Singapore STPM
51. General Certificate of Education (O Level), Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka SPM
General Certificate of Education (A Level), Sri Lanka STPM
52. Senior Certificate (No Matriculation Endorsement) South Africa SPM
  Senior Certificate (Withmatriculation Endorsement) And At Least BBBCC At Higher Grade STPM
53. Secondary School Leaving Certificate Somalia STPM
54. Selectividad Spain STPM
Bachillerato Unificadoy Polivalente (BUP) / Graduado en Educación Secundaria SPM
55. Sudan School Certificate (formerly called the Secondary School Certificate or Higher Secondary School Certificate) Sudan STPM
56. Avgangsbetyg (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)/ Slutbetyg (Upper
Secondary School Leaving Certificate [Technical Streams] )
Sweden STPM
57. Maw6/ Grade 12, Upper Secondary School Certificate Thailand STPM
Islamic Study Upper Secondary School STPM
58. Tawjihiyya (General and Religious) United Arab Emirates STPM
59. GCE Advanced, UK UK STPM
International Baccalaureate (IB), UK STPM
GCSE Ordinary Level/ University of Cambrigde International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level SPM
Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) (Higher Grade) issued by Scottish Examination Board STPM
Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE) (Standard Grade) issued by Scottish Examination Board SPM
60. Grade 12, High School New York USA STPM
Grade 11, High School New Yoke SPM
61. Upper Secondary (Grade 12) [High School] Vietnam STPM
62. Al-Thanawiya (General Secondary Education Certificate) Yemen STPM

Meaning of Abbreviation:
1. SPM means Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
2. STPM means Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia

Study in Malaysia Handbook 6th Ed.Source: Study in Malaysia Handbook 6th Ed. - Appendix C

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