Following the Covid-19 outbreak across the globe and the recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Malaysia, the government has issued a Movement Restriction Order which will be in place nationwide from 18-14 April 2020.
While most of us are confined at home during this time, there are many people out there who need to continue working. Among them are those who work in these industries: banking and finance, broadcasting, defence and security, food service, healthcare, oil and gas, transportation, utilities, and others.
Let’s take a look at some of these jobs. Would you like a career that puts you at the front line in times of crises?
Interest code: Investigative, Social, Realistic
Interest code: Social, Investigative, Conventional
Interest code: Investigative, Conventional, Social
Health Educators
Interest code: Social, Enterprising
Medical Lab Technologist
Interest code: Investigative, Realistic, Conventional
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
Interest code: Investigative, Social, Realistic
Financial or Bank Managers
Interest code: Enterprising, Conventional
Insurance Sales Agents
Enterprising, Conventional, Social
Business Analysts
Interest code: Investigative, Enterprising, Conventional
Human Resource Managers
Interest code: Enterprising, Social, Conventional
TV Producers
Interest code: Enterprising, Artistic
Journalists and Reporters
Interest code: Artistic, Enterprising, Investigative
Radio and TV Announcers
Interest code: Artistic, Enterprising, Social
AV Equipment Technicians
Interest code: Realistic, Investigative, Conventional
Telecommunication System Managers
Interest code: Realistic, Enterprising, Conventional
Mechanical Engineers
Interest code: Investigative, Realistic, Conventional
Interest code: Enterprising, Social
Immigration and Customs Inspectors
Interest code: Conventional, Enterprising, Realistic
Chemical Plant and System Operators
Interest code: Realistic, Conventional
Power Plant Operators
Interest code: Realistic, Conventional
Interest code: Realistic, Social, Enterprising
Police Patrol Officer
Interest code: Realistic, Social, Enterprising
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators
Interest code: Realistic, Conventional
Health and Safety Officers
Interest code: Investigative, Conventional
Interest code: Investigative, Social
Medical Scientists
Interest code: Investigative, Realistic, Artistic
Interest code: Realistic, Enterprising
Social Workers
Interest code: Social, Investigative
Logistics Managers
Interest code: Enterprising, Conventional
Commercial Pilots
Interest code: Realistic, Investigative, Enterprising
Ambulance Drivers
Interest code: Realistic, Social
Interest code: Enterprising, Realistic, Conventional
Network Engineers
Interest code: Realistic, Enterprising, Conventional
Online or E-commerce Merchants
Interest code: Enterprising, Conventional, Realistic
While some of these careers are pretty interesting, they might not be what you’re looking for. Would you like to find out more about which careers or fields of study is a good fit for you?
The Course Interest Test (CIT) can help students like you to identify your interests and abilities in relation to 27 fields of study and then narrow down the career options that are a good fit for you.
Are you ready? Take the test now at!