When choosing an A level subject, should you go for what’s easiest, what’s most popular or what’s most useful? This table will give you a look at what subjects most students have chosen, and what they think are the most difficult. Then take a peek at the last column—here are subjects that give you the most flexibility when applying for a bachelor’s degree.
Most popular A level subjects (in 2018) | Hardest A level subjects (ranked by students) | Most useful A level subjects, also known as facilitating subjects (listed in no particular order) |
Source: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/alevels-popular-difficult-useful-16677197
Note to students: Before you decide, you are advised to check the application guidelines of the course providers. Every course has different requirements, and may specify a combination of requirements: e.g. SPM or Pre-U or its equivalent), specific subjects at a minimum grade, language proficiency, etc. Finding out more from the respective universities’ admission department will enable you to work towards achieving the required subject grades.