
AFS Malaysia - KL-Yes Program 2019

Sponsored by: AFS Malaysia
Deadline30 April 2019
Organisation TypePrivate Sector / Organisation
Fund TypeScholarship
Study Local or Abroad?International

What is the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange & Study Program?

The U.S. Department of State established the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program in October 2002 in recognition of the importance of youth exchange as a key component to build bridges between citizens of the U.S. and countries around the world. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of State and provides scholarships for high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to attend high school in the U.S., live with an American host family, and serve as “youth ambassadors” for their home countries.

The YES program officially launched in Malaysia in 2004 to expand communication between the people of United States and Malaysia to promote mutual understanding and respect. Since then, more than 550 Malaysian students have participated in the YES program and are now members of the YES and U.S. Embassy Alumni communities. Malaysian YES students spend 6 months in the U.S. from January to June.

The U.S. State Department’s YES program is administered in partnership with a consortium of non-profit organizations. In Malaysia, AFS Malaysia manages YES in partnership with the U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur.

Please be informed this KL-YES Program is open for those who will be in Form 5 ONLY. 


Program Details

Program Name: KL-YES Program
Cost: Full Scholarship
Program Start Date: January 2020
Program End Date: June 2020
Placement: Hosted by host family in the U.S. 
Duration: 6 months
Application Deadline: 30 April 2019


Requirements for Application?

  • Be a citizen of Malaysia
  • Be enrolled in Form 5 at the time of application. Please be informed this KL-YES Program is open for those who will be in Form 5 at 2019 ONLY. 
  • Students with disabilities are encouraged to apply and they can be in Form 3, 4 or 5 at time of application
  • Have a good record of academic achievement (a B average or better)
  • Demonstrated leadership, community involvement in extracurricular activities

YES seeks to ensure diverse participation in the program, representing all of Malaysian society.


Top 10 Reasons To Say "Yes"!

  1. Get out of your comfort zone and explore the world.
  2. Become a member of an American family; create lifelong friendships.
  3. Discover the real you by seeing how others view you.
  4. Build your cultural awareness; broaden your perspectives on global issues.
  5. Be a youth ambassador for Malaysia.
  6. Experience an international education at a U.S. high school.
  7. Develop leadership and community service skills you can bring back to Malaysia.
  8. Improve your English language proficiency.
  9. Develop skills to stand out in the competitive modern job market.
  10. Join 10,000 plus YES alumni from more than 40 countries around the globe.


For Parents

Studying abroad in high school is an exciting journey for both you and your child. AFS have compiled the information here to help answer some of the questions you may have about the YES program experience. For further information, please e-mail the YES office in your country.


Application Selection

There are multiple rounds to the YES application and selection process. All applicants are required to take an English proficiency exam, write a proctored essay, complete a YES program application, and participate in group and individual in-person interviews. All finalists are selected on the basis of merit.


How To Apply?

Interested? Click here to download application form and apply for 2020 cycle!

Click here to download the YES program brochure.



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