Diploma in Occupational Therapy

(A8321)-(R/862/4/0008) R/862/4/0008

Course Information

Mode: Onsite
Duration: 3 Yrs
Type: Full-time Study
Conducted in Malaysia: Yes
Level of Study: Diploma Level
Field of Study: Medicine & Healthcare
Faculty: Faculty of Therapeutic and Emergency Sciences
Awarding Country: Malaysia
Exam Body: Internal Diploma Malaysia
Fees: 40000/Course / 58200/Course (international)

Course Overview

This medical profession that uses occupational activities to help people to improve their quality of life by helping them gain productivity and independance


Programme Outline 

Year 1 Semester 1


  1. Introduction to Occupational Therapy
  2. Anatomy & Physiology
  3. Behavioural Science I
  4. Basic Pathology
  5. Health Care Delivery System

Year 1 Semester 2

  1. Applied Anatomy
  2. Behavioural Science II
  3. Neuroscience
  4. Biomechanics
  5. Occupational Performance Physical I

Year 1 Semester 3

  1. Malaysian Studies
  2. Pengajian Islam/Pengajian Moral
  3. English
  4. Computer Application
  5. Bahasa Kebangsaan A/B

Year 2 Semester 1

  1. Occupational Performance Physical II
  2. OT for Medical & Neurological Conditions
  3. OT for Orthopaedics
  4. Communication & Counselling

Year 2 Semester 2

  1. Occupational Performance Paediatrics
  2. OT for Paediatrics
  3. Occupational Performance Psychosocial
  4. Community Based Rehabilitation
  5. Clinical Placement I

Year 2 Semester 3

  1. OT for Psychosocial Conditions
  2. Clinical Placement II

Year 3 Semester 1

  1. Administration & Management
  2. OT for Geriatrics
  3. Professional Development
  4. Clinical Placement III

Year 3 Semester 2

  1. Clinical Practice in Hospitals & Health Clinics IV
  2. Occupational Therapy Research Design

Year 3 Semester 3

  1. Occupational Health & Safety
  2. Clinical Placement V
  3. Presentation of Practical Reports

Entry Requirements

Entry Level Academic Requirement Duration
SPM Credit in any 1 Science subject and 2 other subjects (Not including Literature) and Pass in BM 3 years

Career Prospects

  • Hospitals
  • Government & Private schools (including schools for special children)
  • Rehabilitation centres
  • Mental health facilities
  • Childrens’ clinics
  • Homes/Private paractices
  • All fees are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) currency unless stated otherwise.

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