M.Sc. Technopreneurship


Course Information

Mode: Blended
Duration: 1 Yr


Type: Flexible Full-time/Part-time Mode
Conducted in Malaysia: Yes
Level of Study: Masters Degree Level
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Awarding Country: Malaysia
Exam Body: Internal Postgraduate Degree, Malaysia
Fees: 30770/Course / 38825/Course (international)
Format: By Mixed Mode

Course Overview

As the ?rst technopreneur programme o?ered by a private Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) in Malaysia, UCSI University’s Master of Science in Technopreneurship has been designed with the speci?c aim to develop promising technology-based entrepreneurs and leaders, who are functionally equipped with the fundamental skills, competencies and perseverance to build internationally-recognised businesses and brands.

Entrepreneurial activities have long been recognised as a major contributor to the economy and in recent times, demand for more homegrown technopreneurs has been constantly and adamantly highlighted by both academicians and industry players alike. Recognising this need, UCSI University developed the programme by synthesising the academic arena and industry best practices to promote sustainable personal and organisational growth through lifelong learning.

This is made possible by our specially-designed learning experience that emphasises pragmatic approach to complement our theoretical classes. By advocating the Praxis model, we are ?rm in our belief that it enables learners to go beyond the classroom and to expand their horizons by instilling creativity and innovation in their thinking process. Our Praxis centres will act as an incubator to guide and nurture aspiring technopreneurs, and provide a medium for them to establish their business and academic connections, which is undoubtedly vital especially in the early years of a start-up.



Year 1-Semester 1
  • Research Design and Analysis
  • Technopreneurship I
  • From Science to Business – Concept in IT
  • New Venture Creation
  • Developing New High Technology Product and Market Development
Year 1-Semester 2
  • Technopreneurship II
  • Venture Captial Financing
  • Web-Enabling Technology & Innovative Business Model
  • Business Accounting for Decision Making
  • Financial Management & Policy in Technopreneurship
Year 1-Semester 3
  • New Venture & Entrepreneurship Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship Case Study Project
  • Entrepreneurship & Business Planning

All information is correct at the time of upload and UCSI University reserves the right to make amendments without prior notice.


Entry Requirements

For MBA: Qualification Academic Requirements Admission Level Degree in related discipline or Equivalent 2 years’ relevant working experience. English requirement s apply Honours Degree in related discipline or Equivalent NIL English requirements apply For other postgraduate programmes, please refer to http://www.ucsiuniversity.edu.my/fobis/ for more details.

Career Prospects


Graduates of this programme will be equipped with knowledge to start their own business or take up jobs and build careers in the following areas:
  • Technology Evangelist
  • Technology Evaluator
  • Project Manager
  • Business Development director
  • E-Commerce Consultant


  • All fees are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) currency unless stated otherwise.

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