Bachelor Science in Forestry (Forest Plantation & Agro Forestry) (Hons)

Course Information

Mode: Onsite
Duration: 8 Sem
Type: Full-time Study
Conducted in Malaysia: Yes
Level of Study: Bachelor's Degree Level
Field of Study: Architecture & Building
Faculty: Faculty of Science & Natural Resources
Awarding Country: Malaysia
Exam Body: Internal Degree, Malaysia
Fees: 960/sem

Course Overview

The program emphasize the integration of two fields namely forestry and agriculture. The foundation of forestry is imparted through the many school core courses. The basic concept of agricultural sciences of the program are agroforestry system, plantation and soil management, genetic and plant breeding, integrated farming, and forest and agriculture plantation. Entrepreneurship aspects like plantation marketing, plantation economics and human resources management help to increase student’s management ability. The program prepares the student for the working environment in plantations of private organizations, and create interest in agrobusiness.


Entry Requirements

Local: STPM+MUET/Matriculation Cert.; Int: A-Level/Equiv.

  • All fees are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) currency unless stated otherwise.

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