The Bachelor of Agriculture (Aquaculture) program is formulated to emphasize specifically on the importance of the freshwater and marine aquaculture industry as a new source of economic growth. It takes into account the current trends in agriculture with respect to the emphasis given by the Malaysian Government on agriculture and the application of biotechnology and information technology to provide value-added products. New courses are introduced such as agricultural entrepreneurship, accounting, ICT in aquaculture, agricultural management and marketing, integrated aquaculture and other courses related to the industry. The program is intended to produce students that are knowledgeable, skilled and of leadership quality enabling them to participate in sectors involved in services, research, extension, production and sustainable management in marine and freshwater aquaculture. The curriculum requires students to complete 128 credits to graduate in courses related to agriculture in general, specific courses in aquaculture, project electives and with 16 weeks of mandatory internship in an aquaculture related industry.
Graduates in this program will find effective employment as a manager in a modern and commercial aquacultural farm. They will be competitively positioned to serve in both public and private sectors in the areas of service, research, extension, education, production, management in aquaculture or become an entrepreneur.