The Bachelor of Architecture program is offered by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Design and Architecture, University Putra Malaysia. It can take up to two years (4 semesters) or 60 credit hours for graduation.
The program emphasizes tropical architecture and sustainable development to provide students with in-depth knowledge of key aspects of the architectural environment. Students will also be able to perform quantitative and qualitative analysis through computer simulation and assess the environmental performance of the architecture (climate, sun, heat, ventilation, sunlight, safety
and energy).
The Architectural Bachelor Program meets the requirements of Part II of the Malaysian Board of Education exams and graduates will have the opportunity to be recognized as architects.
Graduates of the program have the opportunity to hold accredited architects positions in
government agencies and even signed architectural consulting firms.
Applicants interested in entering the Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) Program must have the following minimum requirements:
a. Bachelor of Design (Architecture) from Universiti Putra
Malaysia with a minimum CGPA of 2.75. Applicants with CGPA of less than 2.75 must:
Graduate of Architecture Design Studio with B or better,
ii. Have at least 1 year of experience working in architecture;
iii. Pass the admission interview.
b. Bachelor of Science /
Literature in Architecture or equivalent with an accreditation from the Board of Architects of
Malaysia (LAM Part I) from a local or overseas university and equivalent
to a Bachelor of Design (Architecture) from Universiti Putra Malaysia;
approved by the UPM Senate; and passed the admissions interview.
The following is a list of both the public and private sectors providing career opportunities for the Bachelor of Architecture degree:
1. Government departments and local authorities
2. Research and design center.
3. Construction firm.
4. Architectural consulting firm.
5. Institute of higher learning
6. Housing developers.
Graduates of the program are eligible to apply as architects or professional consultants in the field of architecture. They can also serve as project managers in the construction and development sectors,
or as researchers who are sensitive to sustainable development and
architectural issues . In addition, graduates have extensive opportunities in
other careers such as writing, lectures and related fields of architecture and