A Quantity Surveyor is a construction professional who offers economic, cost, and contractual advice on all aspects of the building process. As a profession, quantity surveying necessitates a blend of technical, economic, legal, and management abilities. As a result, this is a professional curriculum aimed at producing graduates who are capable of providing such services.
The programme provides students with a thorough understanding of the roles of a Quantity Surveyor at every stage of the construction and development process, from the project brief issued to the lead consultant to the construction, completion, occupation, and maintenance of the facilities in order to meet the 'value for money' objective.
In addition to academic study, each student will complete a minimum of six months of practical training in a quantity surveying firm or construction-related company. Students will also complete a major project in their final year, ensuring that all aspects of the programme are integrated before graduation.
The UTAR Bachelor of Science (Honours) Quantity Surveying is recognised by the following organisations.