Jan, Jun, October
Embedded systems consist of "invisible" computer and related peripherals hidden inside a product, which exists in almost every aspect in our lives. We use embedded systems in washing machines, cars, factory automation machines, security alarm systems, smart phones, satellites and etc. Ubiquitous computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are future trend that greatly enhances our life, due to the rapid advancement of embedded systems design technology.
The programme prepares graduates to be competent in the discipline of Electronic Systems Engineering with Computing, particularly driving the information and communication technology (ICT). It emphasis design skills and knowledge that integrates both hardware and software into a system with application in Programming, Computer Architecture, Embedded System Design and Computing, Digital Signal and Image Processing, Intelligent System and Networking, which supports Information Technology.
The programme is to produce graduates with skills in using sophisticated software design tools for designing electronic systems. To break away from the theory-based traditional learning style, we tend to emphasis more on practical design work, to put theory into practice.
The UTAR Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) Computer Engineering is recognised by the following organisations.