Jan/Feb, May/June, Sept/Oct
The Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment programme represents a key stepping-stone for further improvement and promotions in graduate’s career. Such will help increase the number of researchers and inventors in Architectural and Built Environment industry. As our Doctor Philosophy’s programme progresses and gains momentum, it will contribute to strengthening our nation’s international competitiveness in the above mentioned four key pillars and NKEA, which will in turn enhance Malaysia’s strong influence and leadership amongst ASEAN countries.
The proposed programme has received positive feedbacks from the participating organisations. The programme is assessed to have high relevancy to industries related to sports and recreation that would produce future graduates with the mettle, competency and qualification highly in demand. The participating industry span across from educational institutions, construction industry, research and design, sustainable design guideline, architectural firm, and urban planning industry.
Contact us to find out more about the programme and the scholarships offered.
*(not limited to)
For International Students
IELTS 5.0 or equivalent.