January, July & November
This programme has been designed with the aim to equip students with essential fundamental skills for careers in property valuation, estate agency, property management, property development, market research and property investment and finance under the built environment sector Malaysia. The programme focuses in core competencies required on property valuation in wide ranges of property and purposes inclusive of traditional, statutory, investment, plant and machinery, special properties and development appraisal. Students will also be trained in property development, land purchase, property management, support service, managing and maintaining residential, commercial and industrial property and be exposed to financial, legal in investment practices such as investment analysis, viability study, market study and portfolio management of real estate projects.
TAR UMT students who have graduated with the Bachelor of Real Estate Management (Honours) are eligible to apply to BOVAEP as Probationary Valuer / Probationary Estate Bachelor of Real Estate Management (Honours) Graduates | Eligible to apply as: - 1.Probationary Valuer / Estate Agent / Property Manager; BOVAEP 2. Graduate Member; RISM | Test of Professional Competence for Valuer / Estate Agent / Property Manager conducted by BOVAEP | Passing the exam and 1. Register as Registered Valuer/ Estate Agent/ Property Manager with BOVAEP 2. Admitted as Member of RISM upon application (Sr before name & MRISM after name) Programmes are accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS); UK.
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-Curricular Courses:
English for Tertiary Studies, Academic English, English for Career Preparation, Falsafah dan Isu Semasa/Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban/Introduction to Leadership, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Entrepreneurship, Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Co-curricular
i) (1); (2) and (3) must include SPM Credit/ O Level Grade C (remove this - in Mathematics) / UEC Grade B in one mathematics subject#
ii) (1); (2); (3) and (5) must include SPM Pass/ O Level Grade E (Pass)/ UEC Grade C in English Language**
#Grade B and above in AMMS0104 General Mathematics conducted by TAR UMT is accepted as having fulfilled the Mathematics requirement for applicants with a pass in SPM/Grade D or Grade E (pass) in O Level/Grade C in UEC in the required Mathematics subject.
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language conducted by TAR UMT is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English Language at SPM/O Level/UEC.
Graduates can be employed as: