February; June; November
Product Development is the process of conceptualising and designing products, either physical or digital, to provide end users with solutions that meet their needs. For the purpose of developing new product or improving an existing product, it is imperative that product development technologists identify company goals in conjunction with market opportunities, prior to applying well-defined principles and technologies in a creative way. Product development technologists also formulate manufacturing specifications and perform design analysis to ensure all products meet industry standards and guidelines for functionality. Graduates trained under product development technology programme are expected to be innovative, creative, and analytical with excellent working knowledge using 3D modelling software and other modern technology tools.
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU)and Co-Curricular Courses:
Integrative English, Progressive English, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curiccular