Year 1 Intake:
Year 2 Intake:
This programme is designed to train students in both computer science and data science, which prepares them well for data professionals or data scientist career pathway. Graduates of this programme are highly demanded in the increasingly data-driven world where their main role is to make sense of big data to improve business processes, optimise resources, increase profits, increase customer satisfaction, personalised experience, automation, and so on.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualisation, Data Warehouse Technology, Cloud Computing are some of the specialisation courses covered in this programme in addition to core courses of Computer Science, for example, Programming, Database Management, Software Engineering and Computer Networks.
Students will have an opportunity to work with the industry through their 6 months industrial training and carry out real-life projects on data science and computer science. All such training will add value to their qualification and increase their employment opportunities. Upon completion of this program, the students will also obtain SAS Joint Certificate specialised in Data Science and Machine Learning.
Elective 1 (Choose 1):
Elective 2 (Choose 1):
Elective 3 (Choose 1):
Elective 4 (Choose 1):
Elective 5 (Choose 1):
Elective 6 (Choose 1):
Free Electives (Choose 1):
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular Courses: