Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Technology (Hons) (robotic & Automation) is a new programme offered in UniMAP. This programme is a multi-diciplinary field that is synergistic of electrical, mechanical, electronic, control and computer engineering discipline which enables its graduates having good theoretical and practical-oriented knowledge of integrated mechatronic systems to cater for the needs in the robotics and automation industry.
The curriculum of the programme is designed to produced graduate professionals who equipped with analytical skills and ability to work in all multidisciplinary engineering fields and industries. In addition to a solid foundation in machatronics concepts, Engineering Technology Degree students learn the most current relevant topics for today’s advanced technologies. Additionally, the learning environment will be more enjoyable and competitive with good mixture between local and international students.
Robotic and Automation Engineering graduates in these areas will have the ability to engage in the design, research and development, consultancy, education, manufacturing, construction, maintenance, sales and management in many industries such as mufacturing, processing, automotive, aviation and shipping, mining and services, communications and building services and medical industries. Among of the firms that had offered employment opportunisities to the graduates of these areas are as follow :-
• Vehicle making and installation firms
• Home making appliances firms
• Electronic product firms
• Plant food processors
• Oil and gas companies
• High-tech firms
• Consultant firms
• Engineering & product development firms
• Automation system firms
• Bio-medical engineering firms
• Software development firms
• Research & development firms
• Hospitals
• Companies, maintenance and repair firms of medical equipment
• Companies, marketing and sale firms of medical equipment
• Manufacturing industry of medical instrumentation
• Education and training (universities, polytechnics and colleges)