Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons)

Course Information

Mode: Onsite
Duration: 8 Sem
Type: Full-time Study
Conducted in Malaysia: Yes
Level of Study: Bachelor's Degree Level

Course Overview

The program aims to produce professionals at the professional level who have strong knowledge in the design, operation, improvement and maintenance of processes involving chemicals at the macro-manufacturing level as well as growing relevant areas in line with the National Industrial Policy, Industrial Master Plan, Science Policy and National Technology and Food Agro Policy. In line with this, graduates are able to apply knowledge, knowledge and skills to solve engineering related problems. Therefore, Chemical Engineers differ in their job as a chemist, in which Chemistry performs on a smaller scale, while Chemical Engineers perform on a larger scale for industrial purposes.

Curriculum structure was created with emphasis on theory understanding and applied through laboratory work, computer aided learning, workshops, industrial training and projects based on design or engineering and engineering problems. Graduates have broad job prospects where the need for professionals in the field of chemical engineering is very high in line with the government's goals for industrial development. Malaysia needs at least 200,000 engineers to achieve developed nation status by 2020. Currently, there are only 70,000 engineers registered in the country.

Entry Requirements

SPM + STPM + MUET or its equiv.

Career Prospects

Among the relevant career opportunities are: 
• Production Engineers 
• R&D Engineers 
• Research Officers 
• Chemists 
• Quality Control 
• Project Engineers • Academics 
• Entrepreneurs 
• Engineers at Consulting Firms 
• Sales 
Engineers • Environmental Engineers / Water and Waste Management

  • All fees are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) currency unless stated otherwise.

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