Bachelor of Technology (Bio-Resources)(Hons)

Course Information

Mode: Onsite
Duration: 7 Sem
Type: Full-time Study
Conducted in Malaysia: Yes
Level of Study: Bachelor's Degree Level
Field of Study: Manufacturing & Processing
Faculty: Applied Sciences - School of Industrial Technology
Awarding Country: Malaysia
Exam Body: Internal Degree, Malaysia
Fees: 700/Sem / USD3889/Year (international)

Course Overview

Introduced in 1989, the Programme originally known as Wood, Paper and Coatings Technology (WPC) was designed to equip students with knowledge on the technology related to wood, paper and coatings. In 2003, the name was changed to Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology (BPC) to include the study on non-wood bioresource.

Apart from theories, students will hands-on the experience in practical sessions in the laboratory. Students are required to undergo an industrial training to enhance their knowledge on the real challenge in the industrial world and related services.On top of that, they have to conduct a research project and submit the thesis upon completion of the degree programme.

 The objectives of the program are:

  • To produce graduates which have strong background in bioresource, paper and coatings technology in terms of theoretical knowledge, practical and soft skills.
  • To generate mature technologists who are able work the industries or services related to bioresource, paper and coatings technology.



Course offered:

 Core courses 

  Chemical Process Calculations
  Bioresource as Industrial Raw Materials
  Basic Bioresource Science and Technology
  Bioresource Based Products
  Bioresource Technology Laboratory I & II
  Pulp Production and Paper Recycling
  Stock Preparation and Papermaking
  Additives and Paper Properties
  Paper Technology Laboratory I & II
  Basic Coatings Technology
  Raw Materials and Coatings Chemistry
  Coatings Process and Equipment
  Coatings Technology Laboratory I & II
  Furniture Manufacturing
  Wood Engineering


Elective courses  

  Process Heat Transfer
  Process Fluid Mechanics
  Advanced Paper Technology - Instrumental Analysis For Pulp and Paper
  Advanced Technology of Coatings
  Fibre and Lignocellulosic Composite
  Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Product Development
  Environmental, Health and Safety Legislation
  Industrial Waste Management
  Industrial Quality Management
  Experimental Design with Computer Application
  Renewable Biomass

Entry Requirements

SPM+STPM+MUET or its equiv.

Career Prospects

Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology graduates are employed by various industries, especially those related to wood, furniture, panel, pulp, paper, paperboard, recycling, inks, paints, adhesives, resins, coatings and packaging materials. Other employment opportunities for graduates are in electronic, automotive companies, marketing and public sectors. The choice of work covers a wide spectrum. Graduates are placed in management, research, engineering, marketing, and production. Positions include process engineering, product development engineering, technical service engineering, research scientist, a range of production supervisors and quality control.

The Table below shows some examples career prospect for Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology graduates.

Job titles/options

General job title: bioresource, paper or coatings technologist.

a) Technical: product development; process development; packaging technologist; quality analyst, quality assurance technologist.

b) Production: production supervisor/executive/manager.

c) Commercial management: sales and marketing manager/executive; management trainee.

d)Training/teaching and development; government regulatory bodies.

Typical Job responsibilities

Product development: converting an idea into a product that the consumer can safely enjoy.

Process development: taking a newly created product from the laboratory into the factory and onto the production line where it will be manufactured at high volume with minimum alteration to the product specification.

Quality control or assurance: ensuring safety and quality of the product through all stages of production to final packaging.

Production: ensuring smooth running of the manufacturing process, where different raw materials are transformed into finished products whilst maintaining the high quality and safety standards demanded by customer.

Marketing: creating, maintaining and increasing of consumer demand for company’s products.

Typical Requirement

a) B. Sc. or B.Tech. Degree in Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology (or other technical degree).

b) Good interpersonal skills; self-starters who are eager to learn and implement; clear, logical thinking and communications; ability to think long term and strategically; problem solving ability; leadership ability; a team player.

Examples of hiring companies

Donghwa Malaysia, ICI, Top Glove, Malayan Adhesive and Chemical, GS Paper and Packaging, Nibong Tebal Paper Mill, Muda Paper Mill, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysian Timber Industry Board, Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Malaysia Agriculture Research and Development Institute, USM, UiTM, UPM.
  • All fees are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) currency unless stated otherwise.

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