Are you the go-to person when your friends have a computer or gadget question? Have you ever built a website? Are you always the first to know (and among the first to review) new apps? Have you tried to learn computer programming and enjoyed it?
If computers and IT are your thing, check out what careers could be a good fit for you. You might just be surprised to discover that they’re not as geeky as you think!
Is a career in computing right for you?
Are you a tech geek? Maybe not but chances are, many people around you are computer and smartphone users – I mean, what would we do without the internet these days? From instant messaging to creative apps, we can now play games, socialise and get all sorts of information and entertainment online. The question is: are you interested in technology beyond just using devices and apps? Are you fascinated about how digital information is spread? Do you want to know more about computer systems and how and why people use them? Do you enjoy building websites, playing games or reading about the latest developments in ICT? A career in computing could be just the thing for you.
Courses and careers in computer science, ICT and IT
If you’re considering a career in computer science, ICT or IT, you might be wondering if all three disciplines mean the same thing. So, do they? Not quite. Although all three share many similarities, each discipline has a different focus. For a start, ICT is not just about computers, rather, it has a broad approach that studies how digital information is communicated. In contrast, IT is focuses on hardware and the way computers process data, while computer science focuses on theory and programming.
Check out the careers you could take on, and the skills you’ll need in this field. Next, explore the courses that you could enrol in to kick start your career.
10 critical occupations in ICT in Malaysia
Did you know that there’s something called the Pilot Critical Occupations List? What is it? It’s a list of skilled, sought-after and strategic occupations in six key sectors in Malaysia. Read on to find out which occupations are on the 2015/2016 list for the ICT sector.
Top 10 computer careers
OK, so you’ve decided that you definitely want to work in the exciting world of computing and technology! That’s great – current trends show that career opportunities in computing will continue to grow and be in demand.
Now comes the hard part – which career exactly should you choose so that you know what degree to sign up for? How about beginning by exploring the top computer careers today?
Study computer science at Quest International University Perak
The Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) programme offered at QIUP is a mainstream computing programme aimed at producing graduates capable of managing information and information systems in a wide range of IT environments and in the field of applications development.
If you’re wondering about what subjects you will study, internships, specialisations, and more, find out in our exclusive interviews with Associate Professor Dr Pong Hon Keat, Dean of the Faculty of Integrative Sciences & Technology; and Alvin Hen, third year student of the computer science programme.
In our next issue: Build your dream career in architecture