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Career Guide


Choosing a career can be a daunting decision particularly when you do not know how to begin. This section provides a step-by-step guide to exploring career options most suited for you.

The guide is divided into four parts:

Part 1: Exploring a Happy and Fulfilling Career

By now, many of you may already have, or somewhat have an idea of your dream career. Some of you may have decided to opt for conventional careers such as an engineer, an accountant, a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher. Others might like to pursue less conventional ones such as being a pilot, a musician, a stuntman, a professional athlete, or an entrepreneur.

Part 2: Know Yourself Well and Career Assessment

When exploring your dream career, it is crucial that you take some time out to get to know yourself better. You may think this is odd advice � certainly no one would know you better than yourself � but despite your reservations, do try some of the self-exploration tests available online. You may uncover more than you thought you knew.

Part 3: A Description of Various Jobs and Their Important Attributes

Now that you have a better understanding of your own personality and interests, and how to begin planning for your career, let us explore a list of possible careers for you. Each career featured here has a job description and explains the attributes needed for the person to do the job well. It also gives some details of specialisations or sub-specialisations within that field and career progression opportunities.

Part 4: Choosing the Best Study Route

When you have decided on your choice of career, the next important step is to find out what education qualifications you need and how you plan to gain these qualifications. To begin, here are some questions which will help you consider the education pathway that would be most suited for you and your needs.

Part 5: Fields of Study � Find out which one matches your interest

Courses offered at universities and colleges found here are grouped under some 25 fields of study. A field of study consists of a broad area of academic and skills qualifications that come under a similar branch of subject knowledge. In addition, courses offered under each field of study require similar academic entry requirements.

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