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How to Embark on a Successful Career in Marketing

by on February 15, 2020 | Top Stories, Career Guide

How to Embark on a Successful Career in Marketing -

Do even the most mundane of advertisements pique your interest? Do you often find yourself studying the intricacies of ads rather than skipping them right off the bat? If so, then a career in marketing could very well be your calling. Should you embark on this professional path, you will be tasked with running campaigns to help your clients spread the word about their products and services.

Make no mistake about it, marketing is not an easy industry to find success in. With enough dedication, hard work and passion, however, you have every opportunity to reach your full potential in it.

To find out what you must do to embark on a successful career in marketing, be sure to read on.


Learn a number of key skills

If you’re to stand any chance whatsoever of embarking on a successful career in marketing, you must be well versed when it comes to the following key skills:

With these essential abilities in your arsenal, you will be able to run marketing campaigns no matter what audience you are targeting or what client you are working for.


Understand buyer persona

Forget everything you’ve been taught about blank demographic listings, as they are no longer the be-all-and-all of the marketing industry. You have to go above and beyond pigeonholing your target audience into categories such as race, religion, sexuality, and gender, simply because the lines between them are slowly but surely getting more and more blurry. Today, you have to understand the intricacies of buyer persona if you’re to run marketing campaigns that truly resonate with your target audiences.

When attempting to understand the buyer persona of one particular audience, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What products do they purchase?
  • How do they choose these products?
  • Who do they turn to when they seek advice on buying decisions?
  • Do certain attitudes and behaviours shape these decisions?
  • Who else is involved in this decision-making process?

Know how to build brand awareness

Brand awareness is the extent to which consumers are familiar with a brand and all of the images, products, and services that are associated with it. If you want to make it in the marketing industry, building this type of awareness should come as second nature to you.

When getting to grips with this all-important facet of marketing, there’s no better source of information to turn to than Oberlo. As detailed in their six expert tips for building strong brand awareness, the first thing that you must do in this instance is identify what makes your clients different. Research their industry, study their specific consumer base, take a look at what their competitors are doing, and find a way to showcase their unique characteristics. With this information at hand, you will then be able to weave their unique selling point (USP) into their brand strategies.

Put the above advice into practice, and you’ll no doubt scale the heights of the marketing industry in no time.


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