Education News

INTI Students to Research and Update Malaysia-Greater China Investment Guidebook for HLB Ler Lum

June 6, 2013 | Campus News

A comparative guide to doing business in Malaysia and Greater China, to be distributed in over 100 countries, is the latest project for INTI students made possible through the strong partnership between their institution and HLB Ler Lum - member of HLB International, a worldwide network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisors.

The guidebook project, the latest in a series to enhance students’ innovative learning experience, will involve them in research to provide up-to-date information, statistics and other relevant data on business structures for foreign investors in Malaysia and Greater China (comprising Hong Kong, China and Taiwan). These include taxation, financial and monetary systems, securities markets, foreign business incentives, employment, social security payment, infrastructure and trading across borders.

The “Malaysia-Greater China Investment Guidebook” will be structured from the perspective of entrepreneurs that will allow them to compare the business and regulatory requirements from four jurisdictions. The Guidebook, after having been reviewed by HLB International and published will be made available to all its member firms in over 100 countries.

Mr. Robert G. Tautges, Chief Executive Officer of HLB International, and Dr Ler Cheng Chye, Senior Partner of HLB Ler Lum officiated at the project launch with Professor Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of INTI International University.

The book project is the latest in a series which also includes students’ review of the recruitment and selection policies, processes and procedures of HLB Ler Lum for the purposes of professional and academic development in the industry’s human resources best practices.

INTI’s students have also undertaken 125 innovative projects in the past year in collaboration with industry partners. Real employer projects ranging from “Ways of doing business and how to setup a company in Myanmar” to “Development of a research book that identifies the changes shaping Malaysia’s marketing landscape and consumer behavior trends” were introduced in the classroom to help students develop problem solving, collaboration, communication and critical thinking skills. Such projects serve as an inspiring component of higher education and are expected to play an increasingly important role in teaching and learning for years to come.

Students of INTI benefit not only from its over 25 years of experience and strong track-record, but also gain from the global synergy and resources that Laureate International Universities provides. INTI is part of Laureate, the world’s largest private education network with a presence in 29 countries and online, with 70 accredited universities and 130 campuses, serving more than 780,000 students globally.

For more information on INTI’s industry-related initiatives, please contact INTI’s Employee Relations Office at 06–798 2000 or visit

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