Education News

Victorious First Attempt by TAR University College Architecture Students

November 6, 2014 | Campus News


Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (‘TAR University College’) Architecture students took part for the first time in the PAM Annual Architecture Student Works Exhibition 2014 that was organised by Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (‘PAM’) which was held at One Utama Shopping Centre, Petaling Jaya, from 15 – 19 October 2014. Their first attempt turned out to be a stunning victory as they beat 20 local public and private tertiary education institutions participated in the exhibition to clinch first prize for “Best Booth Design and Display”.

The winning team comprised Bachelor of Science in Architecture (Honours) Year 2 students and three lecturers cum advisors, rose above the pressure and brought greater glory to TAR University College, especially since this is the institution’s maiden participation. The students, under the guidance of their advisors, aimed to promote green and sustainable architecture that is deemed as a crucial element of a healthy and happy lifestyle.  


The exhibitors were given 3 weeks to design, construct and carry out the final assembly before the exhibition at One Utama. Spending the first week brainstorming, the students and advisors compared ideas and transformed and incorporated the ideas into the final design. Subsequently, the main components of the exhibition booth were fabricated at TAR University College’s architecture studio before being transported to the exhibition venue for its final assembly. 

Bamboo was used as the primary construction material while creeper plants covered the external surface of the booth. A tree-shaped bamboo pillar was placed in the centre of the exhibit while surrounding bamboo screens formed a semi egg-shaped structure on one side and a curved wall on the other side. In addition, display lights were installed to illuminate drawings that were hung around the structure’s internal walls. A treehouse model was also displayed within the enclosure that helped define the curved bamboo booth wall. 

Aptly named “The Green Enclave”, the name reflected creative, honest and positive intentions that intended to promote and encourage green and sustainable architecture together with other exhibited projects such as the tree houses and forest retreats that echoed the theme of the exhibition – “Healthy & Happy Space”.


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