Education News

Behold, a Stunning Masterpiece Breakthrough In The Entertainment Art Industry!

January 4, 2016 | Achievement News
Behold, a Stunning Masterpiece Breakthrough In The Entertainment Art Industry! Pic 1

The One Academy proudly announced The One Academy’s latest release – the Astonishing Digital Art II, a new art book featuring the best works by students, lecturers, alumni, local and international professionals of The One Academy who have made a captivating breakthrough in their works of distinction.  

This art book launch serves as a monumental movement to introduce Asia’s young and talented artists to the world, and most importantly is to promote this industry to let it flourish even further. Spearheaded by The One Academy, this publication featuring the compilation of the best works by local and international digital artists as well as its students and graduates captures the most stunning visuals that incorporate advanced technicalities in digital illustration that sets the highest benchmark in this competitive industry. Readers who get their hands on this limited edition collector’s item get to experience the sensationalised world of digital animation nestled within its 240 pages. 

Some of the notable artists who contributed to the book include professional concept artist Eduardo Peña whose works include award-winning The Hobbit trilogy; concept artist, modeler and Ubisoft Associate Art Director Kobe Sek whose works include the Assassin’s Creed series; and Project TriForce, New York, concept artist Johnson Ting whose works include highly realistic replicas of Halo, Mass Effect and Batman video games.

Behold, a Stunning Masterpiece Breakthrough In The Entertainment Art Industry! Pic 2

Throughout the spreads of the Astonishing Digital Art II, readers get to appreciate mesmerising sketches of concept art, character design, environment design and digital illustration that reflect the latest trends in entertainment art, in the most current film and video games, contributed by over 108 different artists from various backgrounds and specialisations. This makes ‘Astonishing Digital Art II’ The One Academy’s most ambitious venture yet.

This collection, launched recently, marked the release of the book in the market which is available in selected bookstores, in conjunction with The One Academy’s Info Day & Art Exhibition. Some of the Astonishing Digital Art II contributors made an appearance to officiate the launch and also to meet and greet fans who have taken notice of their outstanding works in digital art.

“We are very proud to launch this book as it is a physical result of The One Academy’s constant nurturing, giving birth to more than a generation of masters of this field after being trained by the industry masters or experts, living true to its coaching philosophy ‘Masters Train Masters’,” said The One Academy Group Executive Director Tan Chin Wee.

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“At an international level, the Astonishing Digital Art II serves as an important contribution to the entertainment arts industry that not only as a platform for international and local artists to shine, but also preserves the works by the artists to reflect the times and how digital art is now,” he added.

As the book launch also coincided with The One Academy’s Info Day, the booths were power packed with information on courses available at the creative education centre – Multimedia Design with New Media and Interactive Design, Digital Animation with Game Development, Visual Effects, Illustration. Movie with Game Art, Advertising & Graphic Design, Interior Design, Fine Arts and Paris Fashion Design & Pattern Making.

Along with the Info Day is an impressive exhibition featuring works by The One Academy students from 7 different majors, excluding the Diploma in Visual Effects which will be commencing for the first time ever in May 2016. From the exhibition, visitors get to experience the advanced level achieved by the students through the college’s intensive training that surpasses even the high standards in the creative industry.

Behold, a Stunning Masterpiece Breakthrough In The Entertainment Art Industry! Pic 4

Should you be interested to find out more about courses available at The One Academy, call 03-5637 5510, email [email protected] or visit for more information.

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