February 15, 2024 | Campus News
In an era where cybersecurity threats pervade every sector, the business community finds itself particularly vulnerable. The repercussions of a cyberattack on a business are not only immediate but can also cast a long-lasting shadow. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are especially at risk, facing potential losses in competitive advantage, credit rating, and increased cyber insurance premiums due to systematic cybersecurity attacks or risks.
Recognising the pressing need for proactive cybersecurity measures, the Forensics and Cyber Security Research Centre (FSeC) at the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) has taken a bold step.
Introducing 'Cybersecurity as a Service' (CaaS), a commercial response unit, FSeC aims to provide SMEs with a cost-effective yet high-quality consultancy service. This unit, established after discussions with Cybersecurity Malaysia and the Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI) regarding FSeC’s strength, has set a new standard in industry-oriented consultancy services.
Leading the charge is Professor Ir. Eur. Ing. Ts. Dr. Vinesh Thiruchelvam, APU’s Chief Innovation and Enterprise Officer, and the Advisor of FSeC. “FSeC-CaaS showcases APU's academic prowess by delivering industry-level professional consultancy services based on industrial competency,” remarked Prof. Vinesh.
The startup recently achieved a milestone by completing a penetration test for its inaugural client, Pixalink Sdn. Bhd., a Malaysian SME specialising in a cloud-based customer acquisition software called 'Explore.' The CEO of Pixalink, Mr Eddie Chong, lauded FSeC-CaaS for its "impeccable serviceability."
FSeC-CaaS's strength lies in its dedicated team of cybersecurity professionals complemented by top-performing students from APU’s Cybersecurity Bachelor and Master’s degree programmes. The team reflects FSeC's commitment to nurturing graduates with practical skills in digital forensics, cybersecurity, and privacy.
Venturing beyond academia, FSeC-CaaS offers a range of cybersecurity services to SMEs, including penetration testing, security audits, network configuration, and forensic analysis. Positioned as an exemplary startup among Malaysian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), FSeC-CaaS not only provides professional training programmes to APU students but also addresses market demands for high qualified cybersecurity workforce and services.
Whether your company is grappling with cybersecurity concerns or has experienced an incident, FSeC-CaaS invites you to connect through its website (caas.apu.edu.my) or via email ([email protected]). In doing so, you'll be tapping into a reservoir of cybersecurity