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Interest Survey to find out if TVET Education is for me!

Hello students,

It’s STUDYMALAYSIA here! We invite you to participate in a self-directed interest survey exercise aimed at helping you uncover if your study interests are in a TVET Education (Technical and Vocational Education and Training). This survey comprises 13 thought-provoking questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no or a short response.

Once you have completed the survey, take a moment to review the questions you responded affirmatively to. From these, select the top 5 questions that most closely align with what you want from an education and in your future career. Please kindly write down these selected questions in the space provided below.

We believe this exercise will provide valuable insights into your career aspirations and assist you in making informed decisions about your educational journey.

Enjoy this journey of self-discovery!

Note: Fields in red are compulsory.

My Profile

Telephone / Mobile
Date of Birth
State (Select one)
Country of Origin
Current Level of Study Studying in Form 4 / Year 10
Studying in Form 5 / Year 11
Studying in Form 6 (STPM/A-Levels/Foundation/SM3)
A Form 5 (SPM/IGCSE) school leaver
a Form 6 (STPM/A-Levels/Foundation/UEC) school
Academic Stream Arts stream
Science stream
My Dream Career #1
My Dream Career #2

Interest survey for TVET Education

Item Questions I’m interested!
1. Do you enjoy hands-on and more practical learning rather than just focusing on academic and theoretical classroom learning?
2. Do you have a specific trade career in mind that you are interested in pursuing?
3. Do you prefer learning in a more flexible and adaptable setting where you can study while you work?
4. Are you interested in acquiring practical skills that can directly prepare you for the job market?
5. Do you enjoy working with tools, equipment, or machinery?
6. Are you interested in fields such as automotive, construction, computing, design, engineering, healthcare, hospitality, information technology, logistics or other skilled trades?
7. Do you prefer a more practical and applied approach to learning, rather than solely focusing on academic or theoretical subjects?
8. Are you willing to invest time, effort and dedication into acquiring technical skills and knowledge that can lead to a career in a specific industry or trade?
9. Are you interested in learning practical skills that can be applied in the workplace?
10. Do you have a natural aptitude for practical tasks?
11. Do you have a strong interest in a particular occupational vocation that requires technical skills and knowledge?
12. Do you have a practical mindset and enjoy problem-solving, troubleshooting, and finding solutions to real-world challenges?
13. Are you interested in learning about the latest related technological advancements?

The top 5 questions that appeal to me most are:

Choose your top 3 career choices from the given list of 43 TVET occupations:

First Choice:      
Second Choice: 
Third Choice:     
Other Options (which are not found among the 43 occupations) (please state):

Note: By submitting this form, you hereby allow the collection and process of your Personal Data by the Organiser. You can read the organiser's Privacy Policy @ www.studymalaysia.com/corporate/privacy.php

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