Bachelor of Electronics Engineering with Honours

FA3801 R/2523/6/0074

Course Information

Mode: Onsite
Duration: 4 Years

March, June, October

Type: Full-time Study
Conducted in Malaysia: Yes
Level of Study: Bachelor's Degree Level
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering, Science & Technology
Awarding Country: Malaysia
Exam Body: Internal Degree, Malaysia
Fees: 62980/Course / 67000/Course (international)

Course Overview

Electronics engineering is a rapidly growing field. The programme is enhanced with hands-on experience and industrial placement with established industries. The electronics engineering programme is designed to prepare you for a career anywhere in the world. Electronics industry being a labour intensive industry provides many job opportunities for skilled job seekers. Increased production and demand by government and businesses for communication equipment, computers and military electronics along with consumer demand and increased research and development of robots and other types of automation contribute to the growth of employment opportunities in this field.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • To produce graduates with sufficient knowledge and competency in various areas in civil engineering;
  • To produce graduates with professional attributes, and readily adaptable to the global work environment;
  • To produce graduates for work in the development of infrastructure.

Graduates of this programme are expected to demonstrate the following abilities

  • ability to acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science and civil engineering fundamentals to the solution of complex engineering problems;
  • ability to critically identify, formulate, research literature and analyse complex engineering problems based on first principles of engineering knowledge;
  • ability to design solutions for systems, components or processes for complex engineering problems;
  • ability to conduct research and investigation into complex problems to provide valid conclusions;
  • ability to create, select and apply contemporary skills, tools and techniques in complex civil engineering activities;
  • ability to assess and apply social, health, safety, legal and cultural responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice;
  • ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development;
  • ability to acquire and commit professional and ethical responsibilities to the norms of engineering practice;
  • ability to communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large;
  • ability to function effectively as an individual or a member or a leader in diverse teams of multi-disciplinary settings to achieve common goals;
  • ability to engage in independent and life-long learning consistent with technological change; and
  • ability to apply engineering and management principles, business acumen and prepared to embark in entrepreneurship;


Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)  & Washington Accord


Year 1

BahasaKebangsaan A/B (National Language A/B), Circuit Theory, Circuit Theory Lab, Co-curriculum 1, Co-curriculum 2, Electrical Power System, Engineering Drawing & CAD, Engineering Electronics 2 Lab, Engineering Electronics 1, Engineering Electronics 1 Lab, Engineering Electronics 2, Engineering Mathematics 2, Engineering Mathematics 1, Logic Systems, Logic Systems Lab, Pengajian Islam / Pendidikan Moral (Islamic Studies / Moral Studies)

Year 2

Circuit and Signals, Communications Engineering, Computer Programming For Engineer, Control Systems Design, Control Systems Lab, Electromagnetic Field and Waves, Measurement and Instrumentation, Microelectronics, Microelectronics Lab, Microprocessor System, Microprocessors System Lab, Numerical Methods, Semiconductor Devices, Technical and Professional Communication

Year 3

Basic Entrepreneurship, Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Architecture, Digital Communications, Digital Systems, Digital Systems Lab, Economics for Engineers, Fabrication Technology, Practical Training, Robotic & Automations, VLSI Design, VLSI Design Lab

Year 4

Advanced IC Design, Advanced IC Design Lab, Digital Signal Processing, Engineers and Society, Pengajian Malaysia (Malaysian Studies), Thesis 1, Thesis 2, Technical Electives : - Wireless Networks, - Telecommunication Networks, - Artificial Intelligence, - Power electronics, - Material Engineering

Entry Requirements

STPM Min. 2 Principal Passes (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry)
A-Level Min. 2 principal Passes (including D in Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry)
UEC Min. 5Bs (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry)
Diploma / HND Minimum CGPA of 2.00
Foundation/Matriculation Minimum CGPA of 2.00
SAM/HSC/AUSMAT TER/UAI: Avg. 60% or higher in 5 subjects (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry)
CPU/CIMP Avg. 60% or higher in 6 subjects (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry)
IB Minimum 26 points or higher based on 6 subjects
Other Qualifications As recognised by the Senate of IUKL as equivalent to STPM
UEC: United Examination Certificate
HND: Higher National Diploma
SAM: South Australian Matriculation
HSC: Higher School Certificate
AUSMAT: Australian Matriculation
CPU: Canadian Pre-University
CIMP: Canadian International Matriculation Programme
IB: International Baccalaureate Diploma
STPM: Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia
SPM: Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia

Career Prospects

  • Electronics Engineer
  • Communication Engineer
  • Computer Engineer
  • All fees are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) currency unless stated otherwise.

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