Electronics engineering is a rapidly growing field. The programme is enhanced with hands-on experience and industrial placement with established industries. The electronics engineering programme is designed to prepare you for a career anywhere in the world. Electronics industry being a labour intensive industry provides many job opportunities for skilled job seekers. Increased production and demand by government and businesses for communication equipment, computers and military electronics along with consumer demand and increased research and development of robots and other types of automation contribute to the growth of employment opportunities in this field.
Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) & Washington Accord
BahasaKebangsaan A/B (National Language A/B), Circuit Theory, Circuit Theory Lab, Co-curriculum 1, Co-curriculum 2, Electrical Power System, Engineering Drawing & CAD, Engineering Electronics 2 Lab, Engineering Electronics 1, Engineering Electronics 1 Lab, Engineering Electronics 2, Engineering Mathematics 2, Engineering Mathematics 1, Logic Systems, Logic Systems Lab, Pengajian Islam / Pendidikan Moral (Islamic Studies / Moral Studies)
Circuit and Signals, Communications Engineering, Computer Programming For Engineer, Control Systems Design, Control Systems Lab, Electromagnetic Field and Waves, Measurement and Instrumentation, Microelectronics, Microelectronics Lab, Microprocessor System, Microprocessors System Lab, Numerical Methods, Semiconductor Devices, Technical and Professional Communication
Basic Entrepreneurship, Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Architecture, Digital Communications, Digital Systems, Digital Systems Lab, Economics for Engineers, Fabrication Technology, Practical Training, Robotic & Automations, VLSI Design, VLSI Design Lab
Advanced IC Design, Advanced IC Design Lab, Digital Signal Processing, Engineers and Society, Pengajian Malaysia (Malaysian Studies), Thesis 1, Thesis 2, Technical Electives : - Wireless Networks, - Telecommunication Networks, - Artificial Intelligence, - Power electronics, - Material Engineering
STPM | Min. 2 Principal Passes (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry) |
A-Level | Min. 2 principal Passes (including D in Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry) |
UEC | Min. 5Bs (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry) |
Diploma / HND | Minimum CGPA of 2.00 |
Foundation/Matriculation | Minimum CGPA of 2.00 |
SAM/HSC/AUSMAT | TER/UAI: Avg. 60% or higher in 5 subjects (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry) |
CPU/CIMP | Avg. 60% or higher in 6 subjects (including Mathematics & Physics/Chemistry) |
IB | Minimum 26 points or higher based on 6 subjects |
Other Qualifications | As recognised by the Senate of IUKL as equivalent to STPM |