Architecture is the art and science of building. It’s activities encompass the design, development and planning of the built environment as well as managing the construction process. Architects play the key role in creating buildings and habitats that serve as integrated solutions to issues and contexts as diverse as design, research, practice, construction, socio-culture, human behaviour, history, and the environment. An architect’s design could extend from working places and simple individual living, to communal and urban living of the society. Such role demands highly professional and ethical individuals in creating better built environment. The Bachelor of Science in Architecture programme at UTM is designed to produce individuals that can fulfil this role.
The Bachelor of Science in Architecture Programme is a professional degree that is equivalent to the professional qualification of the Board of Architects Malaysia Part I, which is the first part of a two tier architecture programme. The programme emphasise on architectural design skill based studio projects and the complementary courses. Competent skills and knowledge addressed with the programme, contribute to the development of architecture within the National framework, for sustainable development.
To continuation of the Board of Architects Malaysia Part II is addressed in the Master of Architecture programme.
SPM+STPM+MUET or its equiv.