January, June and October
This programme links business principles with sector expertise by introducing you to the principles and practice of modern tourism. The programme goes further to explore issues such as eco tourism and sustainable development. Students holding this qualification will be confident in applying key business and management concepts to this growing sector.
Level 4 Diploma
Compulsory Units
Level 5 Higher Diploma
Compulsory units
Optional units (choose two form)
* indicates promotional titles. These qualifications are regulated by Ofqual as Diplomas.
Pass SPM/'O' Level/SM 3 - minimum 3 credit or its equivalents. (Must include B.M & Sejarah)
The positions below are examples of jobs currently held by ABE Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management qualification holders. The list is not exhaustive as ABE qualifications are applicable to a wide range of vocations:-
- Hotel or Travel Agency Supervisor
- Assistant Hotel or Travel Agency Manager
- Hotel or Travel Agency Manager
These Diploma will covered two levels of qualification available on the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management programme - Level 4 Diploma and Level 5 Diploma as shown in the table below.