The Master of Orofacial Sciences Programme bridges the Doctor of Dental Surgery and the three-year Doctorate programme. This one-year programme is a pre-requisite to join the Doctorate programme. The combination of one year Master and three years Doctorate programme will be required to enable the graduates to be registered as dental specialists in the chosen specialty, under the Malaysian Dental Act 2018.
This Master programme provides opportunities for local private practitioners or potential dental lecturers to enhance their skills in an area of interest to them. The programme includes four common modules namely Applied Medical and Dental Sciences, Research Methodology, Research Project and Community Dental Practice. The fifth module will be the discipline chosen by the candidate, either in Restorative Dentistry, Periodontology or Orthodontics, as offered currently.
The research project will be a minor study based on the simple collation of clinical data towards a clinical audit outcome, preliminary field studies or introductory laboratory studies. The research output can be in the form of mini-dissertations or scientific reports.