Kolej TAFE Seremban's Campus
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Kolej TAFE Seremban

Institution Overview

Background of Institution

Kolej TAFE Seremban

TAFE College has been a long established provider of technical education in Malaysia in the southern region. Set up in 1972 and originally known as Negeri Institute of Technology, the College was acquired by MIED (Maju Institute of Educational Development) in 1988. With the educational vision and dynamic support of its Chairman, Dato’ Seri S Samy Vellu, a new campus was built and started its operations in Jalan Sikamat in Seremban in the year 1990.

The multimillion dollar beautifully landscaped campus offers a stimulating and inspiring study environment. The College has valuable experience and unsurpassed academic track record in engineering education.

TAFE College is the first technical higher educational institution to be awarded ISO 9001:2000 standards as early as 1997. Being a pioneer, the College has a mature quality management system.

TAFE has been a member of MAPCU (Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities) since 1998 and NAPEI (National Association of Private Educational Institutions since 2007. TAFE is also a member of FeMAC. The College is also an approved centre for skills training under JPK (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran).

Mission & Vision

The mission of TAFE College is to contribute to our national prosperity by improving the skills of Malaysians and to achieve “Excellence through Education”. The College makes study options accessible to young school leavers and to support the government’s goal of capacity building and nurturing a first class mentality.

The College is thus a premier provider of higher education offering multi-disciplinary quality programmes at certificate and diploma levels to both local and international students and continues to progress towards excellence. As a member of MAPCU, TAFE is strongly committed to uplifting the standard of higher education, widening access and enhancing quality, cultivating a lifelong learning culture, improving the quality of teaching and learning, intensifying internationalisation and enhancing research and innovation.

TAFE College plays an active role in enhancing the image of private education in Malaysia by developing a sustainable mode of training and education for community programmes. TAFE endeavors to contribute in making Malaysia a centre of educational excellence by providing critical human capital that drives the country’s economy. Being a non-profit entity, surpluses are reinvested for educational purposes and for upgrading campus facilities.

When it comes to quality and industry recognised education, affordability and conducive environment, TAFE stands in the forefront of the Malaysian education industry.

Academic Strengths

Kolej TAFE Seremban

In its pursuit of excellence, the College has been very selective of the academic staff and ensures that lecturers are of high caliber thereby ensuring that local and international students are professionally nurtured into the environment of studying. Whether expatriate or local, lecturers and instructors are highly qualified with both academic and industry experience. They are dedicated professionals who have genuine concern for students’ academic success and progress into careers. The quality of teaching-instruction and learning is benchmarked against the highest standards and criteria. There is an elaborate system of quality assurance requiring exam boards, external examiners, peer evaluations, and more as per MQA requirements. MQA standards consist of qualifications and programmes, based on a set of criteria and standards, including learning outcomes achieved. The education is student centred and career focused.

The College maintains collaborative arrangements with AIMST (Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology) and other higher learning institutions. Strong industry links have been formed with the automotive, aviation and engineering related industries.

Programme Outline

The range of certificate and diploma programmes are fully accredited by MQA and recognised by JPA (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam).

TAFE College offers multidisciplinary programmes – in Engineering, Business and IT. The objective is to develop middle level technopreneurs who demonstrate the high degree of competence sought by the industry.

JPK (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran) courses in Automotive Technician, Computer Systems Technician, and Automotive Executive coupled with common skills are topped up with Supervisory Skills. The automotive skills programme is a TTEP (Toyota Technical Education Programme) in partnership with Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan and UMW Toyota Motors Sdn Bhd.

Short courses are available for English (3 Levels – 1 year) and Automotive Mechanics (EFI & Fault Diagnosis). Short courses on CNC, PLC, GPS and AutoCAD are conducted with industry partnership.

Academic Facilities & Resources

Kolej TAFE Seremban

  • 1500 seater Multipurpose Auditorium
  • Basketball, Football, Badminton & Table Tennis courts
  • 1 Main Lecture Theatre
  • 13 Lecture Theatres
  • 35 classrooms
  • Air conditioned library
  • In-house Hostels and adjacent apartments
  • Extensive Workshops & Laboratories
  • Hangar facilities
  • Internet facilities
  • Toyota Technical Education Programme Centre
  • Engine dynamometer centre

The campus has wi-fi access and coverage which enables e-learning, student discussion and ease to work on assignments.

Student Support Services & Student Development Activities

To support and provide students with excellent learning facilities, the College is well equipped with work stations and laboratories and workshops.

There is a job placement cell that holds career fairs which enables graduates to leave college with a job or attachment relevant to a career. Campus interviews are conducted by GE Engine Services, Tan Chong Motors, ON Semiconductor, ALPS, Megasteel, IJM, etc. The Counseling Departments offers counseling, sessions, motivational talks, study skills seminars and personal counseling. A sick bay is provided. The campus has an ATM facility. Subsidised food is available at College canteens – truly Malaysian food. Shops, eateries and laundry are within walking distance. Public transport is easily accessible. There are prayer facilities for Muslim students both in campus and in the hostels.

Scholarships / Financial Aid

Students are allowed to pay fees in monthly installments. Scholarships, subject to policy, are offered to top performers in SPM. Loans are available for eligible students from several funding bodies for all MQA accredited courses. Other funding bodies are PERKESO, KWSP, KKP and NLFCS for deserving students. Dato’ Seri S Samy Vellu, Chairman of MIED, has introduced a special scheme for eligible Indian students. Students can apply to banks and state governments which provide loans for accredited courses. TAFE offers quality courses at affordable fees, one of the lowest in the private sector.

Recognition & Achievement

All courses are fully accredited by MQA, MOE and JPA which automatically avails students of study loans from funding bodies. For diploma holders, credit transfers are possible for degree studies locally at AIMST University, other private universities or overseas. The fully accredited courses are:

Kolej TAFE Seremban

  • Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Technology
  • Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Diploma in Electro-Mechanical Engineering
  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Diploma in Management
  • Diploma in Automotive Engineering
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Diploma in Accounting
  • Certificate in Business
  • Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
  • Certificate in Computing

The Diploma of Accountancy offered by TAFE has also obtained 3 exemptions from ACCA.

The college is Five Star Rated (EXCELLENT) under SETARA (MOE). It is also Five Star Rated (CEMERLANG) by JPK.


TAFE formalised arrangements with Air-Tech Bildung of Germany to conduct EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) licensing programme for aircraft maintenance.

When fully formalised, the arrangements will enable students to complete licensing for B.1 & B.2 categories without leaving Malaysia. TAFE is an examination centre for the programmes under Part 147 approval of Air-Tech Building.

With this landmark collaboration, TAFE is expected to train and support the aircraft maintenance sector of the aviation industry. The college has arrangements with Institute of Technology Carlow for Aircraft Maintenance Degree completion.

TAFE is a progressive higher education provider with an international vision and places students in the heart of everything. Leveraging on established track record, graduates are prepared to meet the challenges of the rapidly growing local and international markets in support of Malaysia’s aspiration to be an education hub of the region.

Contact Details

  • Kolej TAFE Seremban
  • Lot 5409, Mukim Ampangan
    Jalan Sikamat
    70400 Seremban
    Negeri Sembilan
  • Phone: 606-763 2020 / Toll Free: 1-300-88-TAFE (8233)
  • Fax: 606-762 7994

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