Marcus Aurelius Solibun
Asst. Chief Executive Officer - Principal
Asian Tourism International College Sdn Bhd (ATI College)
Mr Marcus A Solibun is the Assistant Chief Executive Officer and Dean of ATI College with vast and in-depth knowledge of higher education policy and administration.
He is responsible for streamlining all programmes in ATI College in conformation with the strict requirements of the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) as well as the Ministry of Higher Education. One of the most notable changes he has made is to have an equal and fair assessments of students’ knowledge not only through a written assessment but also through experience learning and practical hands-on assessments. This ensures students with different learning capabilities and strengths will have a fair shot at qualifying for the qualification they have enrolled for.
His goal as an educator is to ensure that each graduate from ATI College will be industry ready by the time they graduate. “Giving you the best I can” is his mission that he wears proudly in his arm.