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Private Education Division

by on July 10, 2015 | Higher Education Governing Authorities


The Private Education Division (PED) is one of the divisions under the Ministry of Education. The primary function of PED, which is also known as Bahagian Pendidikan Swasta or BP Swasta, is to plan, monitor and regulate the development of the country’s private education at the pre-tertiary level. PED’s roles are prescribed under the Education Act 1996 (Act 550).

Currently, PED also plays an important role under the Government Transformation Programme (GTP 2.0) and the National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) – for Education, which is a part of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).

Under the GTP 2.0, which a continuation of the National Key Result Areas (NKRA),, PED is responsible for the registration of new private preschools. The aim is to increase the participation of the private sector in the provision of access to quality preschool education.

The role of PED under the NKEA is to facilitate and enable two particular Entry Point Projects or EPP, namely, EPP 1: Rapid Scale-up of Quality Early Child Care and Education (ECCE) Operators; and EPP 3: International School Ramp-up.

The ultimate goal of PED is to make Malaysia a centre of educational excellence that offers quality education at pre-tertiary level – from preschool up to post-secondary levels. This is inclusive of private educational institutions (PEIs) such as language centres, tuition centres, computer training centres, skills training centres as well as enrichment centres.


Excellent private educational institutions producing distinguished generations


  • To ensure that PEIs provide quality and world class education
  • To ensure the provision of excellent private education in line with making Malaysia the centre of educational excellence
  • To enhance smart partnerships between the public and private sector
  • To provide access to quality education, especially in rural and interior regions


To raise individuals who are both knowledgeable and competent to achieve desired outcomes, as well as fulfill the nation’s aspiration in line with the National Education Philosophy.


"Smart Partnership Towards Quality Education"

To foster close cooperation with the private sector such as PEIs in the establishment and provision of quality and affordable private education in Malaysia, that would raise individuals who are both knowledgeable and competent in the global market.


The main objectives of the Division are:

  • To ensure that the policy implementation and direction of the private education are in  line with the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP)
  • To ensure that the education provided by PEIs are of world class quality and relevant to the manpower needs of the country
  • To ensure that all PEIs are registered and adhere to the laws and regulations
    as stipulated in the Education Act 1996 (Act 550)
  • To administer effective and efficient monitoring of PEIs and enforcement of laws and regulations pertaining to education
  • To ensure that PEIs provide high quality education and educational infrastructure that adheres to standards that has been set for producing educational excellence
  • To make Malaysia a reputable Centre of Educational Excellence that offers not only quality education but also one that has value for money
  • To promote education as a viable income generating industry

Roles of PED

The role of PED under the Education Act 1996 (Act 550) includes the following:

Policy Implementation and Direction for Private Education

PED is entrusted with policy implementation and direction for PEIs in meeting and addressing global challenges.

Quality Private Educational Institutions

The Education Act 1996 (Act 550) empowers PED to monitor and regulate the operation of PEIs in order to ensure that the operators provide quality education. Under the law, it is considered an offence if PEIs fail to comply with the stipulated laws and regulations, and as a result, may face actions such as being ordered to pay a penalty, cease operations or have their license revoked.

Facilitating the Establishment of PEIs

Upon receiving an application for the establishment of a PEI, PED will thoroughly evaluate the application according to standard procedures. The purpose is to ensure that all terms and conditions have been complied with.

Prior to the approval of the application, PED will inspect the premise to ensure the suitability of the premise for the purpose of education. The visit will also verify the physical existence of the premise.

Monitoring and Enforcement of Legislation

The Education Act 1996 (Act 550) is the main legislative tool for monitoring PEIs, as well as to enforce standards on PEIs. The enforcement of standards on PEIs is to safeguard the interests of the various stakeholders, particularly that of parents and students. The Act also stresses the importance of providing high quality education to match the current needs of both local and international students. This is also in line with fulfilling the country’s aspiration to make Malaysia a hub of educational excellence.

Advisory Service

The provisions of the Act include the operational and governance aspects of PEIs. PED also addresses frequently-asked-questions (FAQs) from the public on the establishment of PEIs and other related matters.

Data and Information Centre

PED collects and maintains data and information from PEIs for the purpose of compiling statistical data on private education in Malaysia, which serves as an important source of reference for policy makers. Besides data collection, PED also maintains a website to provide information on private education, as well as enhance communication and distribution of information to PEIs. The latest and most relevant information is posted on the website from time to time.

International Marketing

In line with the government’s mission of making Malaysia a Centre of Educational Excellence, PED collaborates with other relevant ministries and government agencies such as the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MATRADE, MIDA and Education Malaysia Offices abroad, to promote and strategize on international marketing, particularly for the international schools in Malaysia. These marketing efforts are aimed at increasing the number of international student enrolment at international schools in Malaysia by 2020.

Study in Malaysia Handbook 9th Ed.Source: Study in Malaysia Handbook 9th Ed.

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