From its humble beginning as a Technical
School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM) was upgraded to the status of
a Technical College in 1946 and was
established as a university in 1975. Since
then, UTM has been entrusted with the
responsibility of producing competent and
capable graduates in the fi elds of science,
technology and engineering. Till today,
UTM remains as one of the most remarkable
and outstanding institutions in the fi elds of
scientifi c and technological development,
innovation and achievement.
UTM aspires to become a renowned technological research university, and to make this goal a reality, UTM has paved the way towards becoming a learning organisation that instills and inculcates a culture of excellence and distinction. The four strategic thrusts of the university are:
In its endeavour, UTM continues to spur and strengthen its excellence by ensuring quality through:
With its focus on excellence in science, technology and engineering, UTM’s main objective is to produce technocrats who are competent and responsible to the Creator and their community.
The university’s motto, “By the name of God for Mankind” signifi es UTM’s principles and philosophy, as depicted in its logo.
The Open Book
in gold symbolizes the Holy Qur’an i.e. the
source of knowledge.
The Golden Circle
symbolises the magnifi cent universe
entrusted upon mankind by his Creator.
The Round-bottom Flask
is a symbol of science which forms the basis
of technology.
The Cresent
is the symbol of Islam. The position of
the open book placed on top of the
circle encapsulates the idea of a universe
governed by divine laws as decreed in
the Qur’an. The crescent encircling the
fl ask shows that all pursuits of Science and
Technology are done in accordance with
Islam. The position of the fl ask directly
below the golden book shows that all
advancements in Technology emanate
from the Holy Qur’an, the ultimate source
of knowledge.
UTM strives with total and unifi ed eff ort to develop excellence in science and technology for universal peace and prosperity, in accordance with His Will.
To be recognized as a world-class centre of academic and technological excellence
To be a leader in the development of human capital and innovative technologies that will contribute to the nation’s wealth creation.
With its vision to be a world-class institution
of academic and technological excellence,
UTM has played a pivotal role in providing
quality and excellent academic programmes
at both undergraduate and postgraduate
levels. The academic programmes off ered
are from the following faculties:
UTM off ers not only a wide range of courses to suit individual needs and aspirations, but also provides opportunities for individuals to nurture their potential, fulfi ll their intended purpose and achieve their vision. At the same time, with the incorporation of generic skills development as part of teaching-learning activities, UTM aims to enhance students’ character development while inculcating quality traits in producing a competitive and commendable future generation.
With such a varied and rewarding learning experience off ered in UTM, it will better equip future graduates to pursue their career in an increasingly competitive and challenging local and global environment and ultimately harness their true potential.
Centre of Excellence
To necessitate a stimulating academic and
research environment, UTM encourages
the formation of Centres of Excellence in
the university aimed at promoting research
and development in various disciplines.
Research Centres of Excellence
Some of the outstanding and notable
Centres of Excellence in UTM are:
A Culture of Excellence
UTM thus provides a most enriching
and versatile teaching and learning
environment for the academic staff
and students. In addition, the learning
environment in UTM inspires intellectual
curiosity and inquisitiveness, while
enhancing and harnessing students’
creativity and innovative quality. This will
encourage outstanding staff and student
performance and achievement.
UTM is therefore committed to the development and advancement in science, engineering and technology, and also to lead in the development of competitive and creative human resource and technology to meet the country’s aspiration towards creating quality human capital, in tandem with the nation’s strive for continuous progress and prosperity.
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